Isro SSLV-D3 - 2024-08-16 03:47 UTC

Latest Update 2024-08-15 10:00 UTC

Temporary NORAD ID Satellite Frequency Notes Deployed
98866 SR-0 DemoSAT 437.400 MHz IARU Coordinated Directly

Latest Update 2024-08-15 10:00 UTC


New Satellite Alert

Space Rickshaw-0 DemoSat Mission (SR-0), planned for launch onboard SSLV-D3 from SHAR, India. NET July 10.

IARU Coordination: IARU Sat Coordinator

Orbital Parameters: 480km circular, 37.2 degree Inclination.

Carrier Frequency: 437.4 Mhz Bandwidth: 125.0 kHz Spreading Factor: 9 Coding Rate: 7 Output Power: 22 dBm / 30 dBm Preamble Length: 8 Symbols Sync Word: 0x12 Gain: 0


Carrier Frequency: 437.4 Mhz
Bandwidth: 125.0 kHz
Spreading Factor: 9
Coding Rate: 7
Output Power: 22 dBm / 30 dBm
Preamble Length: 8
Symbols Sync Word: 0x12


Frequency: 437.4 Mhz
Frequency Shift: 425 Hz
Baud Rate: 1k2
Baud Stop Bits: 1

Predicted TLE and webpage will be available soon.

Looking forward to all your support in tracking. Thank you.

Co-passenger: IITMSAT - IARU Sat Coordinator


Thanks for the info, in the next days we will prepare for this launch.

@riftron is the 10th of July still valid for the launch?

I can not find any official reference online for that date.

The launch is delayed for a bit. Partial NOTAM is out starting on the 28th of July.


Thanks for the update, then Iā€™ll let it a little behind to focus to Ariane 6 which is on July 9th.

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According to SSLV D3 - EOS-08, SR-0, IITMSAT - FLP - NET 7 August 2024 the launch goes for 7th August.


Hello Everyone, the updated launch date is Aug 7th.


Latest post today mentions a date of August 15th now.

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Date for DemoSat launch holding


First post is updated with the satellite table. @riftron please confirm the differences from the IARU coordination page of SR-0 DemoSAT:

  • No SSDV transmission
  • FSK is at 1k2 instead of 9k6

Since the SR-0 Team hasnā€™t had a chance to reply to your question, I didnā€™t want to leave it un-answered.

I donā€™t have any info on the SSDV mode, but the FSK is definitely 1k2. The sample file that I was provided:

ā€¦ decodes fine as 1k2 FSK AX.25:

ā€¦ if anyone would like my GNU Radio flowgraph as a starting point to adjust to their own preferences, youā€™re welcome to that at:


According to this tweet the new launch date is 2024-08-16 03:47 UTC


Hello Everyone.

Sorry for the delayed response. We were stuck with the launch integration and operations here.

Weā€™re facing some small issues with our faketle creation tool, and trying to fix that, meanwhile, posting the orbital elements themselves here, so you can try to generate it with your own faketle tool and share the preliminary TLE. The transmission will begin T+30.00 minutes after spacecraft separation. Will keep you all updated.

EPOCH : 16 AUG 2024 04:03:09.100 UTC


   SEMI MAJOR AXIS (KM)     :          6849.998542
   ECCENTRICITY             :           0.00055435
   INCLINATION (DEG)        :            37.394644
   RAAN (DEG)               :           299.230504
   ARG. OF PERIGEE (DEG)    :           342.314137
   TRUE ANOMALY (DEG)       :           217.861578
   PERIGEE(KM)              :           468.064223
   APOGEE (KM)              :           475.658861
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Thereā€™s No SSDV in this mission, we have to move to the next one due to a change in mission configuration. Both 1k2 and 9k6 AX.25 are available but 1k2 has been kept as default because of itā€™s simplicity in receiving setup.

Note: IITMSat has been offloaded from this launch due to some technical issues that we donā€™t know of yet, so a mass simulator is flying instead. Their next launch slot would be updated on their website sometime later.

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Thanks for the info! Iā€™ll update DB and first post accordingly.

For the TLE Iā€™ll take a look later today, except if someone else chime in.

Hmā€¦ just to be clear, does this mean that 1k2 will remain the active one for the whole flight or there is a chance to be changed?

If the latter Iā€™m going to add one more ā€œinactiveā€ transmitter for 9k6 which could be changed later to ā€œactiveā€ if there is a change.

9k6 can be requested via telecommand. more details on that we will announce soon.

*1 98866U          24229.18036921  .00000000  00000-0  50000-4 0    08*
*2 98866  37.3946 299.2305 0005544 342.3141 218.0000 15.31325089    05*

Generated using the tool fakeTLE from sattools.

./faketle -q 468.064223 -Q 475.658861 -I 37.394644 -n 299.230504 -w 342.314137 -m 218.00 -t 2024-08-16T04:03:09 -i 98866 -d 994.9

The value for the last parameter (-d 994.9) [ā€œTime offset from epoch (s)ā€] comes from page 4 of the SSLV-D3 Mission Brochure.

The TLE above are probably wrong due to a misinterpretation of ā€œEpochā€ as ā€˜Lift offā€™ (as it is used for faketle).

If lift off is at 2024-08-16 03:47 UTC as fredy stated (I cannot find this launch time on the mentioned tweet), please use the following TLE:

1 98866U          24229.16915394  .00000000  00000-0  50000-4 0    06
2 98866  37.3946 299.2305 0005544 342.3141 218.0000 15.31325089    05
./faketle -q 468.064223 -Q 475.658861 -I 37.394644 -n 299.230504 -w 342.314137 -m 218.00 -t 2024-08-16T03:47 -i 98866 -d 994.9

Please make sure you also copy the spaces between the numbers.
Each line has to be 69 characters long.


Please use the separation event as an epoch and no need to add any delay in the last. since it is the epoch of separation event by itself.

Weā€™re getting errors while installing sattools, if somebody could help, would be deeply appreciated. please feel free to DM.

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Everything ready for the launch! Network has been scheduled for the first 12 hours to track SR-0!

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