Installing Satnogs in Raspberry Pi OS 64 bits


the upcoming 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS can be installed on Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 4 models. You can download an early beta image right now from here. Below is my recipe for installing Satnogs:

# configure your raspi as you like
sudo raspi-config
# ssh is handy to have 
sudo systemctl enable ssh
# reboot and login again

# ansible
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
echo "deb trusty main" > ansible.list
sudo mv ansible.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible

# download everything satnogs with ansible
git clone
cd satnogs-client-ansible/
cp -r production.dist/ production
nano production/inventory/hosts # really needed ? 
nano production/inventory/host_vars/satnogs/main.yml # really needed ?
# we are working in the raspberry, so use local.yml
sudo ansible-playbook -i production/inventory -K local.yml 
# if problems with the dependencies, like satnogs-flowgraphs downgrade, 
# copy the apt command and install the recommended version of satnogs-flowgraphs manually 
# and launch again the ansible playbook command

# configure the station
sudo satnogs-setup 

# run again raspi-config if you do not want the X-Windows session started 

That should get your Satnogs system installed and configured. It would be interesting to measure if there are performance wins for running the satnogs flowgraphs in a 64 bits OS.

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Hmmm… How do the 32 packages work on an arm64 OS? We do have aarch64 repositories but I don’t see them added in your recipe.

There is a satnogs.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/:

I think that file is installed from a task defined in the ansible recipe roles/common/tasks/apt.yml.