Installing latest builds - Setup Update Failure

Hi @pa-tester – a quick Google search for 8B48AD6246925553 turned up a few different questions from folks running into the same question. On my Pi, this key is shown as a key for Debian 7 packages:

$ apt-key list
pub   rsa4096 2012-04-27 [SC] [expires: 2020-04-25]
      A1BD 8E9D 78F7 FE5C 3E65  D8AF 8B48 AD62 4692 5553
uid           [ unknown] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (7.0/wheezy) <>

I’m unable to tell right now if any packages depend on that key for signing. It would seem unlikely that anything from Debian 7 is actually being installed.

Can you try removing the failing key from the Ansible manifest and re-running? If everything works, great; if it still fails, the source will need to be updated in the Ansible manifest. Either way, please file a bug about it so the developers know.

If it turns out it does need to be installed, you can do that a few different ways. I’ll list the steps from this blog post:

  • install from another keyserver: apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 8B48AD6246925553
  • download from Debian FTP server: wget -O - | apt-key add -

Note that the URL for the key on the Debian FTP server has been corrected from the original blog post. Also, these steps will need to be run as root.


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