Insatallation satnogs-client on debian Buster

Executing playbook site.yml
Hi everyone,
I am trying to install satnogs-client and when I run ansible-playbook -i production/inventory -K site.yml
in ~/satnogs-client-ansible I got this error. As someone can help me to fixe it?
Gathering Facts…
satnogs failed | msg: docker command not found in PATH
to retry, use: --limit @/home/cceres/satnogs-client-ansible/site.retry

  • Play recap -
    satnogs : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1

Is docker installed on your Debian system?

If so, what the output of

sudo systemctl status docker

It is possible your user $PATH needs to be updated with the directory docker is installed in, which is usually /usr/bin. I doubt it’s this but you never know.

No, I didn’t install docker on my system. As read it’s not necessary to install docker.
But I got the error I need to just put /hosts/ to permitted ansible tasks execution like this: ansible-playbook -i production/inventory**/hosts/** -K site.yml.

This step is ok now.

Thanks for your times!

sudo systemctl status docker => Unit docker.service could not be found.