If you were to build a Satnogs v3 rotor today, what stepper drivers and microstep settings would use?

I plan on building a Satnogs v3 using stepper motors. I’ve been reading through various posts on here on using TMC drivers instead of the DRV8825 or A4988 stepper drivers.

If you were going to build one of these today, what stepper drivers and microstep settings would you suggest?

Thank you.

I have built and used a stepper based rotator (RV030 , and I think the 3D-printer modules are too weak. They need fan cooling or a serious heatsink and can not supply lots of current.
Althou I really like the silent TMC modules, I would not trust them to work all year long in all weather.
The modules I am going to try next is based on the TB6560, these often come with a pretty decent heatsink.
The DM542 is probably a good choice for bigger steppers as well.
Regarding microstepping, if you’re using a 8bit AVR then the maximum stepping frequency is pretty low (few kHz), so it becomes a compromize on speed vs smoothness.
I had mine running on microstep=4 and the TMC drivers takes this up to 256 internally somehow.