Icom IC=2730a 7 Gpredict

Hello all, Can anyone tell me if they have the Gpredict Doppler Frequencies change using Hamlib with the Icom IC-2730a. I know that the Hamlib driver for this model is in alpha, so knowledge of any successful implementations would be appreciated. Thanks!

I have used hamlib for many rigs (not that icom thou), even those in alpha. the basic stuff like setting frequency and mode is usually there. the actual rig’s support for cat commands is very often limited in functionality, not every advanced feature is available. you need to match baud and address for icom CI-V port. From the computers perspective all the CI-V is very similar, so you can use command lines from another model and change the rig ID.
CI-V is basically RS-232 TTL with RX and TX pins tied together.

Thank you for the quick reply, I appreciate the information. I thought i might be able to control the radio but very little info was given in the radio manual regarding a CI-V port.

If you have a CI-V adapter, just hook it up and use the default address that was suggested in the manual. Everything that is supported is probably in that hamlib driver. The alpha/beta means that it’s from a manual but not tested thoroughly under all circumstances. I’m betting it will work just fine.

Thank you very much, i’ll give it a try. Much Appreciated!!

Hi SA2KNG, I have a question regarding using my IC-2730a and Gperdict. I had Gperdict working fine with my Kenwood V71a but, I gave it to a friend. I am now using the same configuration, but changed the radio type to the Icom 2730a. The application recognizes the correct radio and opens and closed as expected but, I receive read_string time outs as shown below. Do you know what the cause of this problem is?

jimgar@jimgar-HP-EliteBook-8560p:~$ rigctld -m 372 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 9600 -vvv
Opened rig model 372, ‘IC-2730’
Closed rig model 372, ‘IC-2730 - will reopen for clients’
Opened rig model 372, ‘IC-2730’
read_string(): Timed out 1.1022 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.837 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1022 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1023 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1155 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1065 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1063 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.571 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1084 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1111 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1122 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1024 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1056 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1154 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1020 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1158 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1042 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1185 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1024 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.153 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1168 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1091 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1061 seconds after 0 chars
read_string(): Timed out 1.1031 seconds after 0 chars
Closed rig model 372, ‘IC-2730 - no clients, will reopen for new clients’

Much Appreciated!

The radio supports 4800-19200baud and also has adress configuration.
You need to look in to the menu of the radio and match radio-rigctld.
I think the default adress is 90 (which rigctld uses by default), baud seems to support autodetect.
-s for CIVBAU and -c for CIVADR

adress 372 is from hamlib-3.x btw ? in the newer versions it is 3072. don’t think it matters thou.

Hello again, I checked and set the options you listed above, but have the same issue. When i press the engage button my log shows this:

INFO. sat_ log_init:Session started
DEBUG sat_cfg_load:Everything OK
ERROR.gtk-rig-ctrl.c:check_set_response:setup_split rigctld returned error (RPRT -13 Error)