I cloned GPredict w/ VS 2022 and made some changes - now can’t compile. Anyone willing to spare a hand recompiling my code?

Changed it here but still shows 5.0 when I open rotator window. Any other places to change? I can’t find any.

static void gtk_rot_ctrl_init(GtkRotCtrl * ctrl,
gpointer g_class)

ctrl->sats = NULL;
ctrl->target = NULL;
ctrl->pass = NULL;
ctrl->qth = NULL;
ctrl->plot = NULL;

ctrl->tracking = FALSE;
ctrl->engaged = FALSE;
ctrl->delay = 1000;
ctrl->timerid = 0;
ctrl->threshold = 1.0;
ctrl->errcnt = 0;

ctrl->client.thread = NULL;
ctrl->client.socket = -1;
ctrl->client.running = FALSE;I