I can take any station to the MDQubeSat-1 satellite, thank you very much

I can take any station to the MDQubeSat-1 satellite, thank you very much

Given MDQubeSat-1 is not coordinated, and appears to be a commercial satellite operating in the amateur radio bands, I don’t think we should be giving it any support.


I share your idea. So far no signals from the satellite have been reported. There is no formal communication about the status. I think it should continue to be monitored to determine if it has finally failed.

If they are only transmitting LoRa, then due to the wide (completely un-necessary, wasteful) bandwidth of the signal, a LoRa signal will just look like a blip of local interference to a SatNOGS station.

It makes it extremely difficult, almost impossible, to tell if any signals are present.