How to update auto-scheduler’s tle file

After starting having problems of negative elevation values during auto-scheduling, I reviewed the TLE file on /tmp/cache and found out that the TLE set of the satellite with the failed scheduling had a different epoch data than other satellites.
The problem disappeared after editing the TLE file with the most recent TLE from Celestrak.
I also noticed that the TLE file had several satellites with bad/outdated entries.
I will wait for one day before doing the next auto-schedule and see if this solves the problem, however I was wondering if there is a way to manually trigger an update for the Station’s TLE file in order to have all the satellites with the most recent TLE?, how can it be done?
Thanks in advance & regards,


To force the reload of the TLE file you could temporarily set CACHE_AGE=0 (hours) in the .env configuration file. Note: This forces a cache refresh each time the scheduler is run, with more than 50 API requests per run. So please use this setting only for testing purposes and remove the setting or choose a sane value afterwards (by default the cache is updated at least every 24 hours, so CACHE_AGE=24).

This shouldn’t have happened. Can you provide details on this problem? What was written in the logs? Maybe we can fix it.

Fabian / kerel

Hi, thanks for your support,

The problem was with the Armadillo satellite, unfortunately I do not have the full terminal output but the section that shows the errors was as follows:

2021-11-11 10:05:26,742 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - ERROR - Failed to batch-schedule the passes. Reason: Satellite with transmitter V8ftSCUFrz3U7uwQr8Ne98 has negative altitude (-8.0) for station 1650 at start datetime: 2021-11-11 18:18:07+00:00
2021-11-11 10:05:26,743 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - ERROR - Fall-back to single-pass scheduling.
2021-11-11 10:05:27,772 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - ERROR - Failed to schedule the pass at 2021-11-11 18:22:43. Reason: Satellite with transmitter V8ftSCUFrz3U7uwQr8Ne98 has negative altitude (-8.0) for station 1650 at start datetime: 2021-11-11 18:18:07+00:00
2021-11-11 10:05:28,815 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - ERROR - Failed to schedule the pass at 2021-11-12 01:01:24. Reason: Satellite with transmitter V8ftSCUFrz3U7uwQr8Ne98 has negative altitude (-11.0) for station 1650 at start datetime: 2021-11-12 00:58:16+00:00
2021-11-11 10:05:31,996 - root - INFO - Done.
(env) abraham@lap:~/satnogs-auto-scheduler$

I’m attaching my current TLE file for review, as it can be seen some satellites have an epoch field value of 21314.xxxxxxxx and other satellites have 21308.xxxxxxxx. The Armadillo satellite TLE originally had an epoch of 21308.xxxxxxxx, as mentioned before, I edited those lines with a fresh TLE(with 21314 epoch) from celestrak and the error did not occur again.

Please let me know if there are other log files that I can provide to help
best regards, Abraham - xe3adc
tles_1650.txt (37.9 KB)

1 Like

hello, good day…

I just ran the auto-scheduler, I got several warnings but the negative elevation issues did not occur, here is the full terminal output:

abraham@lap:~$ cd satnogs-auto-scheduler
abraham@lap:~/satnogs-auto-scheduler$ source env/bin/activate
(env) abraham@lap:~/satnogs-auto-scheduler$ ./ -s 1650 -d 12 -P priorities1_1650.txt -f
2021-11-12 08:33:43,659 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Requesting information for ground station 1650
2021-11-12 08:33:44,657 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Ground station information retrieved!
2021-11-12 08:33:44,657 - root - INFO - Updating transmitters and TLEs for station
2021-11-12 08:33:44,658 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Fetching transmitter information from DB.
2021-11-12 08:33:53,330 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Transmitters received!
2021-11-12 08:33:53,349 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Transmitters filtered based on ground station capability.
2021-11-12 08:33:53,350 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Fetching satellite information from DB.
2021-11-12 08:33:56,232 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Satellites received!
2021-11-12 08:33:56,245 - root - INFO - Requesting transmitter success rates.
2021-11-12 08:36:57,037 - root - INFO - Transmitter success rates received!
2021-11-12 08:36:57,038 - root - INFO - Fetch from
2021-11-12 08:37:17,402 - root - WARNING - Failed to download from CalPoly.
2021-11-12 08:37:17,402 - root - INFO - Fetch from
2021-11-12 08:37:17,806 - root - INFO - Fetch from
2021-11-12 08:37:18,389 - root - INFO - Fetch 40320 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:18,779 - root - WARNING - Fetch 40320 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:37:18,781 - root - INFO - Fetch 44418 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:19,184 - root - INFO - Fetch 40968 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:19,585 - root - WARNING - Fetch 40968 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:37:19,585 - root - INFO - Fetch 44429 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:19,980 - root - WARNING - Fetch 44429 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:37:19,981 - root - INFO - Fetch 48912 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:20,376 - root - INFO - Fetch 46489 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:20,769 - root - INFO - Fetch 46490 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:21,165 - root - INFO - Fetch 46491 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:21,560 - root - INFO - Fetch 46493 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:21,954 - root - INFO - Fetch 46494 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:22,349 - root - INFO - Fetch 45727 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:22,742 - root - INFO - Fetch 39463 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:23,140 - root - INFO - Fetch 39464 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:23,539 - root - WARNING - Fetch 39464 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:37:23,540 - root - INFO - Fetch 43689 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:23,935 - root - INFO - Fetch 48041 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:44,065 - root - WARNING - Fetch 48041 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:37:44,066 - root - INFO - Fetch 39469 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:44,465 - root - WARNING - Fetch 39469 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:37:44,466 - root - INFO - Fetch 39471 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:44,867 - root - WARNING - Fetch 39471 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:37:44,868 - root - INFO - Fetch 48943 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:45,268 - root - INFO - Fetch 45113 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:45,674 - root - INFO - Fetch 41915 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:46,067 - root - INFO - Fetch 46274 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:46,472 - root - INFO - Fetch 47941 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:46,870 - root - INFO - Fetch 46280 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:47,275 - root - INFO - Fetch 47945 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:47,670 - root - INFO - Fetch 44876 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:48,071 - root - INFO - Fetch 45262 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:37:48,464 - root - INFO - Fetch 26063 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:07,976 - root - INFO - Fetch 43856 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:08,386 - root - INFO - Fetch 47441 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:08,796 - root - INFO - Fetch 47701 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:09,822 - root - INFO - Fetch 40926 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:10,221 - root - WARNING - Fetch 40926 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:38:10,221 - root - INFO - Fetch 46312 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:10,625 - root - INFO - Fetch 47721 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:11,029 - root - INFO - Fetch 37224 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:11,423 - root - WARNING - Fetch 37224 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:38:11,425 - root - INFO - Fetch 38760 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:11,823 - root - WARNING - Fetch 38760 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:38:11,824 - root - INFO - Fetch 38761 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:12,221 - root - WARNING - Fetch 38761 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:38:12,221 - root - INFO - Fetch 38763 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:12,616 - root - WARNING - Fetch 38763 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2021-11-12 08:38:12,617 - root - INFO - Fetch 49016 from Celestrak (satcat)
2021-11-12 08:38:13,034 - root - INFO - Finding all passes for 435 satellites:
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 435/435 [00:10<00:00, 40.92it/s]
2021-11-12 08:38:23,834 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Requesting scheduled passes for ground station 1650
2021-11-12 08:38:25,212 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Scheduled passes for ground station 1650 retrieved!
2021-11-12 08:38:25,213 - root - INFO - Found 1 scheduled passes between 2021-11-12 14:43:43 and 2021-11-13 02:43:43 on ground station 1650
2021-11-12 08:38:25,214 - root - INFO - 9 passes selected out of 393, 2467 s out of 39343 s at 6.270% efficiency
2021-11-12 08:38:25,214 - root - INFO - GS   | Sch | NORAD | Start time          | End time            | Duration |  El | Priority | Transmitter UUID       | Mode       | Satellite name 
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   N | 42790 | 2021-11-12T15:22:31 | 2021-11-12T15:26:54 | 0:04:22  |  46 | 1.000000 | AX8jbngoyxRsg58hKJxo42 | AFSK       | VZLUSAT-1
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   N | 47952 | 2021-11-12T16:38:59 | 2021-11-12T16:44:03 | 0:05:04  |  51 | 1.000000 | etxVG5sC2U68VFR3iSNehr | GMSK       | CubeSX-HSE
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   N | 44352 | 2021-11-12T17:53:25 | 2021-11-12T17:58:19 | 0:04:54  |  75 | 1.000000 | V8ftSCUFrz3U7uwQr8Ne98 | GMSK       | Armadillo
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   N | 30776 | 2021-11-12T19:06:47 | 2021-11-12T19:11:05 | 0:04:17  |  49 | 1.000000 | rjz4x8XfpQCvmM8qgArr9Z | FSK        | FALCONSAT-3
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   Y | 48943 | 2021-11-12T20:12:52 | 2021-11-12T20:17:42 | 0:04:50  |  55 | 1.000000 | hqhG4wtCEvrzHUNCRHSHYv |            | 
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   N | 41460 | 2021-11-12T22:20:01 | 2021-11-12T22:24:39 | 0:04:38  |  41 | 1.000000 | JLNq6FzBfaCvK7H5neMKiC | GMSK       | AAUSAT 4
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   N | 40379 | 2021-11-12T22:51:48 | 2021-11-12T22:56:40 | 0:04:51  |  65 | 1.000000 | PMnr7eXunTq4zsS3WnbqxV | FSK        | GRIFEX
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   N | 44352 | 2021-11-13T00:34:17 | 2021-11-13T00:37:27 | 0:03:10  |  72 | 1.000000 | V8ftSCUFrz3U7uwQr8Ne98 | GMSK       | Armadillo
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - 1650 |   N | 41168 | 2021-11-13T02:13:17 | 2021-11-13T02:18:14 | 0:04:57  |  50 | 1.000000 | XsKJgznKU3tFxKKVsNRXGY | GMSK       | ATHENOXAT 1
2021-11-12 08:38:25,215 - root - INFO - Scheduling all unscheduled passes listed above.
2021-11-12 08:38:29,906 - root - INFO - Done.
(env) abraham@lap:~/satnogs-auto-scheduler$

Attached is the updated TLE file, it contains 21315.xxxxxxxx and 21316.xxxxxxxx epoch fields.
please let me know if you require further data.
Thanks & best regards, Abraham - xe33adc
tles_1650-2.txt (36.5 KB)

1 Like

Hi Abraham,
thank you for the logs!

The message after “Reason:” was sent by satnogs-network. Thus “negative-altitude” issue might have been caused by the TLE having been updated in satnogs-db between the last time the cache was refreshed and the scheduling was done.
I can think of a few better options to continue once this happens instead of failing with an error, e.g. invalidate the cache & rerun the scheduler, this will be tracked in #34.

The “Warning - Fetch {norad_id} from Celestrak failed” messages can be ignored. We will use the satnogs-db as TLE source in the future (tracked in issue #33), so those warnings will disappear eventually.

Thank you, Sincerely,
Fabian / kerel


Hi Fabian,

I’m having a problem with the Celestrak failed messages. I am trying to auto-schedule BDsat (NORAD ID 52175) and it’s one of the failed ones… so there is no TLE in /tmp/cache/ for this one in and the auto-scheduler is not working for this one… It does for other the other few sats however.

Here is my priorities file:

52738 1.0 bWLVLn2eUsMSLkvoz4XXt5 #planetum1 GFSK 9k6
47959 1.0 f2KkTt5NVBbYVwQsf4cE2L #grbAlpha
52175 0.9 XBQjuep4Gp8Mn6jTN4p4zh #bdsat
40379 0.5 PMnr7eXunTq4zsS3WnbqxV #grifex

I have just installed the satnogs-auto-scheduler as per instructions from git. Do you have any suggestions, please?

Thank you!


1 Like

Hi @adamk,
historically the auto-scheduler is fetching TLEs from different sources (Celestrak, AMSAT & Co). I just checked and apparently none of those sources offer TLEs for BDSat currently, thus causing the issue you have.

Fortunately since Nov2021 auto-scheduler can alternatively fetch all TLEs from a single source, the satnogs-db. In addition to bringing BDSat back it reduces the number of network requests required for the TLE download as well as adding the possibility to schedule Satellites with “temporary norad-ids” (99xxxx).

Follow these steps to enable it:

  1. Make sure you have version v0.1+169.g2a801c6 installed with (check with ./ --version)
  2. Login to, and click on your profile picture in the top right corner to get to “Settings / API Token”. This is your SatNOGS DB API Token you need in the next step.
  3. Add the SatNOGS DB API Token to the configuration variable SATNOGS_DB_API_TOKEN.
  4. Remove the old TLE files /tmp/cache/tles_*.txt and /tmp/cache/tles_*.json if they exist.


NOTE: This is an additional token, and your SatNOGS Network API Token is still required to be set in the SATNOGS_API_TOKEN variable.

Please let me know if this worked or if you need any help.

Sincerely, Fabian


Hi Fabian,

thanks a lot, it works! :ok_hand:

My version is 0+untagged.187.g2a801c6
I have added the SATNOGS_DB_API_TOKEN to the .env file in the satnogs-auto-scheduler folder.

Thank you again and best regards,



Working for me too…now my auto-scheduler is fetching the TLEs from SATNOGS DB and I’m no longer getting the Celestrak fetching error and neither the negative altitude problem with Armadillo, among a few others…
Thanks a lot guys…!!
73s de XE3ADC Abraham


I noticed that lots of satellites were not able to schedule because the TLEs were missing.

WARNING - Fetch xxx from Celestrak (satcat) failed! happened on every satellite query.

I found that CELESTRAK changed the query format last year and that the program needs to be updated:

My version is satnogs-auto-scheduler 0+untagged.183.g2efce6f.dirty which I believe is current

In the file
/satnogs-auto-scheduler/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/satellite_tle/ line 51 I changed changed

The old URL{}

The new URL{}

I then cleared the old TLES in /tmp/cache/ and re-ran

Now the /tmp/cache/ files contain the missing satellites.

FYI here are the errors BEFORE making the change

-- Logs begin at Sun 2023-05-07 03:19:00 CDT. --
May 07 03:21:13 raspberrypihole systemd[1]: Starting Schedule SatNOGS observations for 1.2h on station 1682...
May 07 03:21:15 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:15,067 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Requesting information for ground station 1682
May 07 03:21:15 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:15,988 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Ground station information retrieved!
May 07 03:21:15 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:15,989 - root - INFO - Updating transmitters and TLEs for station
May 07 03:21:15 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:15,990 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Fetching transmitter information from DB.
May 07 03:21:18 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:18,643 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Transmitters received!
May 07 03:21:18 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:18,716 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Transmitters filtered based on ground station capability.
May 07 03:21:18 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:18,717 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Fetching satellite information from DB.
May 07 03:21:20 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:20,410 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Satellites received!
May 07 03:21:20 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:21:20,456 - root - INFO - Requesting transmitter success rates.
May 07 03:26:24 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:24,798 - root - INFO - Transmitter success rates received!
May 07 03:26:24 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:24,798 - root - INFO - Fetch from
May 07 03:26:25 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:25,148 - root - INFO - Fetch from
May 07 03:26:25 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:25,366 - root - INFO - Fetch from
May 07 03:26:26 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:26,268 - root - INFO - Fetch 25984 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:26 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:26,710 - root - WARNING - Fetch 25984 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:26 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:26,710 - root - INFO - Fetch 55562 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:27 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:27,133 - root - WARNING - Fetch 55562 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:27 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:27,134 - root - INFO - Fetch 1291 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:27 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:27,534 - root - WARNING - Fetch 1291 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:27 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:27,535 - root - INFO - Fetch 37388 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:27 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:27,920 - root - WARNING - Fetch 37388 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:27 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:27,921 - root - INFO - Fetch 4237 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:28 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:28,323 - root - WARNING - Fetch 4237 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:28 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:28,324 - root - INFO - Fetch 1804 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:28 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:28,708 - root - WARNING - Fetch 1804 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:28 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:28,709 - root - INFO - Fetch 48274 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:29 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:29,116 - root - WARNING - Fetch 48274 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:29 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:29,118 - root - INFO - Fetch 1430 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:29 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:29,507 - root - WARNING - Fetch 1430 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:29 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:29,508 - root - INFO - Fetch 35865 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:29 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:29,911 - root - WARNING - Fetch 35865 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
May 07 03:26:29 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:29,913 - root - INFO - Fetch 31135 from Celestrak (satcat)
May 07 03:26:30 raspberrypihole python[1157]: 2023-05-07 03:26:30,316 - root - WARNING - Fetch 31135 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!

and now after the change only a few failures

(env) pi@raspberrypihole:~/satnogs-auto-scheduler $ python3 -s 2416  -d 2 -P priorities_2416.txt  -f  -n
2023-05-07 04:57:33,334 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Requesting information for ground station 2416
2023-05-07 04:57:34,153 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Ground station information retrieved!
2023-05-07 04:57:34,155 - root - INFO - Updating transmitters and TLEs for station
2023-05-07 04:57:34,156 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Fetching transmitter information from DB.
2023-05-07 04:57:36,489 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Transmitters received!
2023-05-07 04:57:36,589 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Transmitters filtered based on ground station capability.
2023-05-07 04:57:36,590 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Fetching satellite information from DB.
2023-05-07 04:57:38,434 - auto_scheduler.satnogs_client - INFO - Satellites received!
2023-05-07 04:57:38,535 - root - INFO - Requesting transmitter success rates.
2023-05-07 05:02:59,581 - root - INFO - Transmitter success rates received!
2023-05-07 05:02:59,581 - root - INFO - Fetch from
2023-05-07 05:03:19,676 - root - WARNING - Failed to download from CalPoly.
2023-05-07 05:03:19,676 - root - INFO - Fetch from
2023-05-07 05:03:19,955 - root - INFO - Fetch from
2023-05-07 05:03:20,870 - root - INFO - Fetch 40968 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:21,673 - root - WARNING - Fetch 40968 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2023-05-07 05:03:21,676 - root - INFO - Fetch 45119 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:22,567 - root - WARNING - Fetch 45119 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2023-05-07 05:03:22,571 - root - INFO - Fetch 53346 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:23,405 - root - INFO - Fetch 43118 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:24,238 - root - INFO - Fetch 43125 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:25,159 - root - WARNING - Fetch 43125 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2023-05-07 05:03:25,163 - root - INFO - Fetch 53367 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:26,026 - root - INFO - Fetch 53368 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:26,917 - root - INFO - Fetch 43130 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:27,735 - root - INFO - Fetch 53373 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:28,655 - root - INFO - Fetch 53374 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:29,514 - root - INFO - Fetch 53375 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:30,393 - root - INFO - Fetch 53376 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:31,273 - root - INFO - Fetch 53377 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:32,120 - root - INFO - Fetch 53378 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:32,962 - root - INFO - Fetch 53381 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:33,826 - root - INFO - Fetch 53382 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:34,700 - root - INFO - Fetch 43143 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:35,558 - root - INFO - Fetch 43144 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:36,374 - root - WARNING - Fetch 43144 from Celestrak (satcat) failed!
2023-05-07 05:03:36,377 - root - INFO - Fetch 53383 from Celestrak (satcat)
2023-05-07 05:03:37,247 - root - INFO - Fetch 53384 from Celestrak (satcat)