As far as I can see: the CW Decoder Definition block should be used by a Frame Decoder block. I am currently trying to get the latest gr-satnogs, which is of version 3.0.0 installed among the latest satnogs-flowgrpahs, where examples are available. I am currently using GR3.10 for this which seems to be an issue right now (I’ll get back later on this).
self.satnogs_frame_decoder_0 = satnogs.frame_decoder("variable_cw_decoder_1", 8 * 1)
TypeError: __init__(): incompatible constructor arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. gnuradio.satnogs.satnogs_python.frame_decoder(decoder_object: gnuradio.satnogs.satnogs_python.decoder, input_size: int)
Invoked with: 'variable_cw_decoder_1', 8
Could it be due to this error message during “make”?
gr-satnogs-v3.0.0/include/gnuradio/satnogs/frame_decoder.h:35: warning: explicit link request to 'decoder()' could not be resolved
gr-satnogs-v3.0.0/include/gnuradio/satnogs/frame_decoder.h:53: warning: The following parameter of gr::satnogs::frame_decoder::make(decoder::decoder_sptr decoder_object, int input_size) is not documented: parameter 'input_size'
By the way, I’m using gr-satnogs 3.0.0 (as you can see) on gnuradio