[gr-satnogs] Datatype 'frame'

Hello, I am working on a satnogs-compatible decoder.
But I need some help with the GNU radio.

In my flowgraph the result of the decoding process is data of the type ‘message’.
I’ve found a way to store the results in a file using this OOTM: https://github.com/gr-vt/gr-message_tools

However the gr-satnogs modules seem to use a datatype ‘frame’ which is not compatible with my data.
I cannot use the frame file sink : https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/gr-satnogs/blob/master/include/satnogs/frame_file_sink.h

I would really like to see the results of the decoding process beeing uploaded to the network.
I hope someone who Is familiar with GNUradio can help.

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Hi @MasterJ,

most of the decoders in gr-satnogs produce the frames on message types. The frame that you mention is just the name of the port. Each frame is encapsulated int a blob (binary large object)pmt datatype, using the pmt::make_blob() method. Just take a look at the source and if you have any other questions let me know.

Also you do not have to use an OOT for storing the messages into a file. gr-satnogs has already this functionality.

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Hi @surligas :+1:,

thanks for your answer. Actually my datatype is a pmt pair and I could write a python block that extracts the blob data from it. Now it is compatible with the satnogs frame file sink. Great.

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