Gpredict Antenna control Error

I am using the latest version of Gpredict in Windows 10 and have the follow set up in rotctld:
rotctld -m 601 - r com3 -t 4533 -vvv
But when I run antenna control in Gredict I get an Error and in the command propmt window I get the following error:
C:\Program Files\hamlib-w64-4.5.5\bin>rotctld -m 601 - r com3 -t 4533 -vvv
Opened rot model 601, ‘GS-232A’
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.614 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.667 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.667 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.667 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.633 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.670 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.667 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.617 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1

I did have it working but now it will not work
Any ideas?

Check Windows device manager and the com port settings.

It all works fine with PcSat32

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there is a space between - and r
for some reason, hamlib just runs with it anyways.
it should say Opened rot model 601, 'GS-232A' when using a working comport, and serial_open(235): open failed#1 if the port isn’t there.

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\hamlib-w64-4.4\bin> .\rotctld.exe -m 601 -r COM3 -t 4533 -vvv

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