Gpredict and rotator control

It works in the terminal, but not with GPredict. I can’t find the problem.
C:\Users\Michel\Desktop\ham\gpredict\hamlib\bin>rotctld -m 1 -t 4533 -vvvvvvvv
rotctld, Hamlib 4.5.5 Apr 05 11:43:08Z 2023 SHA=6eecd3
Report bugs to

rot_init called
initrots4_dummy: _init called
rot_register (1)
rot_register (2)
dummy_rot_init called
set_conf: called
rot_open called
dummy_rot_open called
dummy_rot_open: dummy rotator so simulating speed
Opened rot model 1, ‘Dummy’
Backend version: 20220531.0, Status: Stable
Connection opened from ::1:49158
rotctl(d): Å ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’

icrosoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.5131]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Michel>cd C:\Users\Michel\Desktop\ham\gpredict\hamlib\bin>
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

C:\Users\Michel>cd C:\Users\Michel\Desktop\ham\gpredict\hamlib\bin

C:\Users\Michel\Desktop\ham\gpredict\hamlib\bin>rotctl -m 2 -r localhost:4533

Rotator command: