Gnuradio GMSK demodulation

I am newbie in gnuradio and I don’t know if this is the proper location to ask.
If it is not plz remove my post.
I am trying to build a GMSK demodulator. I have a recorded transmission which is at 2245MHz at 38400 baud and is was recorded using Pluto SDR with 10M samples.
I build the grc of the photo and with this I want to see the demodulated bytes.

I can see the output at time sink, but the printed bytes are faulty, while they are printed with high delay, and pc lags, probably my script uses all the CPU.

Can anyone give me a hint, or help to understand what am I doing wrong?
Except from Quadrature Demod, I also tried GMSK demod with same results.
Thanks in advance