Geoscan-Edelveis mission

Hi Scott,

Sorry for not including more details :grin:

This was from a single observation, namely this one SatNOGS Network - Observation 8156135.

The JPEG data is included in the downlink. It’s mostly reading a few counters, putting everything in the right place and filtering the JPEG frames. Nothing too difficult :slight_smile:

The format is surprisingly similar to the GEOSCAN format (with a few minor differences). I’m wondering if it could be perhaps decoded with the standard GEOSCAN decoder?

There are also more dumps that I haven’t looked at yet. I wonder if these are the videos? If so, then there seems to be some sort of issue with the video encoder on board, as the satellite sometimes switches to dumping zeros in the payload area.

Lastly, I’m not sure how videos could actually be taken (despite the claim on other websites) and downlinked without the actual 10GHz downlink. The 9.6k packet just doesn’t have enough throughput for transport MPEG (or any other) types of streams.

I hope this is enough detail for now :grin:

73 de VE3SVF!