Geoscan-Edelveis mission

Are there any X-band transmissions planned on 10492.000 MHz? I already have a set up with which I could try to receive the signal

On August 9, 11, 13, the diploma program of the Geoscan-Edelveis (RS20S) mission will be held. To receive a diploma, you must accept three different images (not taking into account the language on them) and send them to (along with the name, reception time, postal information for sending a physical diploma).

Transmission time:
Over Eurasia:
1:20 - 12:20 (UTC)
Over North America:
15:15 - 18:30 (UTC)

Over Eurasia:
1:30 - 12:35 (UTC)
Over North America:
15:25 - 18:50 (UTC)

Over Eurasia:
1:40 - 12:45 (UTC)
Over North America:
15:35 - 19:00 (UTC)

For reception, we recommend using the Egor (UB1QBJ) decoder.
If you want to publish a picture on the Internet, we kindly ask you to put a watermark on the image (call sign, name, etc.) - available in Egorā€™s decoder.
Wish great signal to all of you and success!


I do not know why the latest version of the decoder is not working for me. Version 1.2 decoded correctly


During three passes of the satellite, I received several transmissions, but I was only able to successfully decode one full image and a portion of the second one. Whatā€™s wrong?



Thank you for receiving. I will take a look what might have happened. Today there should have been two full images transmitted over Europe.


I have also tried this decoder Release GeoscanDecoder v0.1.0 Ā· baskiton/GeoscanDecoder Ā· GitHub , but to no avail. It only decodes as much as the Egor (UB1QBJ) decoderā€¦ And only the transition on 9 August around 07.40 UTC . The transition at 09.05 UTC of the same day is not decoded.


I think I know what is wrongā€¦ The decoder creates jpg files but starts with many zeros. After deleting them you can recover the photo.



Happy birthday! Wishing cubesats long years in this mission will probably be inappropriate. :sweat_smile: I wish good luck to the project team in the success of the mission, the fulfillment of all planned tasks and new interesting projects! Happy holiday!


Thank you very much!

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Argh. Three decodes (with the trick of removing leading \x00 bytes) but I canā€™t get SatNOGS Network - Observation 7985031 to give a proper decode. Signal looks strong enough to meā€¦ Could someone with the windows decoder give it a try?


Thank you very much @tammojan for participating! :satellite: This particular transmission at 9AM 09th Aug was somehow filled with wrong data combining with image. I was able to fix it after!
@tomasz posted his attempt to decode it Geoscan-Edelveis mission - #592 by tomasz

Geoscan-Edelveis have now low voltage on batteries so we decided to give him a rest for a week. This weekend (19-20 August) we will continue this program for additional two days!


Friends, I inform you about additional days of the diploma program!
Saturday 19.08 - The satellite transmits on four passes
1) 03:52 - 04:02 UTC
2) 06:56 - 07:09 UTC
3) 08:29 - 08:42 UTC
4) 10:02 - 10:15 UTC
Sunday 20.08 - The satellite transmits over Eurasia
Start 03:11 UTC
End 11:05 UTC



Transmissions scheduled for tomorrow:

10.09.2023 scheduled (UTC):
Image 1: 07:10:00 + 07:12:00 + 08:43:30 + 08:45:30
Image 2: 10:13:00 + 10:15:00 + 10:17:00
Image 3: 14:03:00 + 16:25:00
Image 4: 21:24:00 + 21:26:00

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We were tracking today, and downlinked an image. I donā€™t think this transmission was announced here, so we were lucky to catch it. See 8154103.

The decode didnā€™t go very smoothly, but I think there should be enough SNR to fix this. If necessary, IQ is here.

As always, Iā€™m curious which part of Earth weā€™re seeing here.


Thank you for receiving!
I am also curious why decoding didnā€™t work. Signal is very strong and all packets should be present.

This image i was able to get from SatNOGS DB.
On the photo are Mediterranean Sea and North Egypt with looks like a sand storm:)



Splendid picture! See:


Transmissions scheduled for tomorrow:

13.09.2023 scheduled (UTC):
Image 1: 20:50:00 + 22:20:00 + 22:22:00

14.09.2023 scheduled (UTC):
Image 2: 08:57:00 + 08:59:00 + 09:01:00
Image 3: 10:27:00 + 10:29:00 + 14:17:00 + 21:37:00 + 21:39:00

Managed to extract the following images from StratoSat-TK-1!


Great job!

Is that image from the 435.870 9k6 downlink?

A single live capture or assembled from one or more SatNogs Observations?

Was it just .JPG data included in the downlink?

Details with a post like this, please!

Hi Scott,

Sorry for not including more details :grin:

This was from a single observation, namely this one SatNOGS Network - Observation 8156135.

The JPEG data is included in the downlink. Itā€™s mostly reading a few counters, putting everything in the right place and filtering the JPEG frames. Nothing too difficult :slight_smile:

The format is surprisingly similar to the GEOSCAN format (with a few minor differences). Iā€™m wondering if it could be perhaps decoded with the standard GEOSCAN decoder?

There are also more dumps that I havenā€™t looked at yet. I wonder if these are the videos? If so, then there seems to be some sort of issue with the video encoder on board, as the satellite sometimes switches to dumping zeros in the payload area.

Lastly, Iā€™m not sure how videos could actually be taken (despite the claim on other websites) and downlinked without the actual 10GHz downlink. The 9.6k packet just doesnā€™t have enough throughput for transport MPEG (or any other) types of streams.

I hope this is enough detail for now :grin:

73 de VE3SVF!