GARDENs-01 - YOMOGI - APRS & Camera Mission

Sorry if I’m asking on the wrong thread, but is there any instructions on how to upload the CW telemetry beacon like shown on the dashboard? I’m a bit confused with the instructions they put on that page. Thanks!

YOMOGI Telemetry

The instruction on the dashboard is the instruction.

Feel free to ask.

By the way, isn’t it interesting that “a” DL7NDR is shown as the one who last received a CW beacon, but the table shows DEX-ONE?


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Digipeater schedule for 31th ~ ?.

Thanks for the reply!

After a few google search, I found this software by JA3TDW to upload the telemetry with a detailed instruction. Does anyone use it too? I’ll try it after decoding on the next pass.

YOMOGI CW Telemetry Uploader


Hi I’ve not used that decoder.

I have used the instruction on the dashboard, Have you used command prompt before to ask your computer to run tasks for you? its better if you read the instructions on the dashboard as some of the info has been highlighted in different colors so you know which parts of the data to add/change.

but before you use these instructions you need to have obtained the CW beacon message (a Mors code transmission) that looks like this one that was taken from Sakura
Sakura CW beacon message

This is the data you receive to add to the command line (Shown below) which will add the data to the dashboard when you run the command.

Hopefully this helps and I have not confused you more.

How to upload CW beacons

You received: yomogi js1ymx 000000 a580ff6005

You input at command line: curl --data “noradID=62298&source=callsign&timestamp=2024-08-29****T18:45:00Z&frame=796F6D6F6769206A7331796D782003030303030320a580ff6005&locator=longLat&longitude=8.04E&latitude=48.65N

Replace callsign, start of the beacon in UTC, coordinates as well as the red part by your data. Leave the rest as it is.

The decoder doesn’t care about what you put into the cyan part as long as it is 6 bytes long, in hex and ASCII convertable.
If you have no clue, just copy 303030303030.
Else, if it’s for example si832d, enter 736938333264.
0x83 stands for a RSSI value and 0x2d for a temperature. There are no conversion formulas available.
Without a leading “si” it’s for short message service.

The decoder won’t accept a “si” beacon without the red part.


I’ve seen this program for the first time, although I know JA3TDW’s page.

Unfortunately, trying to run his uploader on Linux’s 64 bit wine, it returns:

[192] INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!

Reading the readme file, it looks like it does not take the timestamp into accout.
That’s not good.

If you still want to use it, please read the readme file very carefully. Additionally, the NoradID has changed to 62298.

If you need help with that, just ask specific questions.


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Ooh okay, that explain a lot to me. I don’t understand the “You input at command line” at first but now I do. I thought I have to use some kind of third-party software to do that instead a command prompt.

Yep, I do have before, maybe only a few times, but I only sent my data to CitGardens email until now.

I think that’s all for now, I will ask again if I’m getting to problem. Thank you everyone for the explanation! Sorry if my question is kinda silly, I’m a complete newbie on SatNOGS hehe. YOMOGI actually my first satellite that I can decode the telemetry, and it went spiraling from there for me :sweat_smile:

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No question is silly we all have different levels of knowledge and more than happy to help.

Daniel dl7ndr is the best person to speak to regarding the Dashboard and how to input data into it.

Ohh congratulations on your first decode


Thanks everyone, finally I’m able to upload the CW telemetry data to SatNOGS. Miniscule but I’m happy to contribute!

Not as difficult as I thought, I wish had joined and asked here earlier here to find out all you need is a Command Prompt :grin:.




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Tried today’s scheduled digipeater pass from 08:37 UTC on with no success despite 50° MEL. No response at all.

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Again nothing heard and no response on today’s pass (pretty similar to yesterday’s) with scheduled digipeater.