FT-847 with Windows Version of Gpredict

I’m new to this group and to GPredict though I tried it years ago with an old PC running Ubuntu. Never did get it to work right. Can someone point me in the right direction in terms of FT847 rig control and Yaesu G5400B rotor via GPredict.

Rick, W2JAZ

Hi Rick,

Welcome to the community, I am not an expert with this setup on Windows but one thing I do know, you need hamlib to integrate GPredict with your radio and Rotor.

Hamlib will act as the software that does the conversion from software to physical connected devices.

All the best Jan PE0SAT

I am looking for the same information! The instructions everywhere are for Linux Terminal commands - not Windows 10. If you find the answer please let me know! 73s

Setting up gpredict for use with a Yaesu FT-847 radio.

progs installed:

  • hamlib-w64-3.3
  • gpredict 2.2.1 windows version


  • FT-847: Menu 37 “CAT RATE” set to 57600
  • gpredict:
    (add your radio to gpredict interface)
    => Edit → Preferences → Interfaces → Add New
    Name: YAESUFT-847
    Port: 4532
    Rig Type: Duplex
    PTT status: PTT
    VFO Up: SUB
    VFO Down: MAIN
    LO Down: 0
    LO Up: 0
    Signalling: AOS LOS
    (select your radio in radiocontrol)
    =>small arrow down (right side) → radiocontrol)
    Settings pane:
    1. Device: YAESUFT-847
    2. Device: None
      Cycle: 2500 ( be aware to keep this value at least 2500, lower results in a communication trouble with your ft-847)

Now to make everthing easy i made a batch file to startup.
(my batch file)
@echo off

REM start rigctld met instellingen voor ft-847 en gpredict
start C:\hamlib-w64-3.3\bin/rigctld -m 101 -r com3 -t 4532 -T
=> where C:\hamlib-w64-3.3\bin/ is the directory hamlib (rigctld) is installed
=> where -m 101 stands for yeasu ft-847
=> where -r com3 is the usb port your cat cable is connected
=> where -t is the portnr for communication
=> where -T is your local host ip adress

timeout /t 5
=> wait 5 sec then start gpredict
REM start gpredict
start /wait G:\gpredict\gpredict-win32-2.2.1\gpredict.exe
=> where G:\gpredict\gpredict-win32-2.2.1\ is the directory gpredict is installed

timeout /t 5

Taskkill /im rigctld.exe
=> when you exit gpredict, rigctrl will terminated after 5 sec.

Now select a sat and track it, don’t forget to engage your radio for automated frequency tracking
This works very well for me, i hope it will do the job for you to.

joseph (ON3JMK)