Filter + LNA + Diplexer board

So, hey guys, I bought a NanoVNA and started prototyping some filters. One I liked very much was the helical ressonator. I shared a report on reddit where you can find some measurements.

TL;DR: Built and tuned a 2m helical band-pass filters. Results were great, < 0.8dB insertion loss across the band and >60dB rejection of FM band. Great return loss too. The filter doesn’t quite cover NOAA to the end of the 2m band, but that’s okay because receiving NOAA sats is not my goal here. It’s actually better so these birds don’t overwhelm my receiver.


hello my friend , you made a great work . please I am making my LNA+LPF same like you but in 500MHz and need to ask you something , because I have some problems in my design

Any status update? I’m definitely interested in this.


Olá phckopper,

Sou radioamador e estudante de eletrônica, aqui no Brasil estou interessado em compartilhar informações que ajudem na confecção de minha estação de recepção de satélite, nos moldes da SATNOGS.

Por gentileza, há como identificar - além de você - outros colegas envolvidos com projetos da SATNOGS?


Bem você veio ao lugar certo. Existem muitos entusiastas de rádio amador aqui para compartilhar informações. Eu sou Bob vk2byf em Nowra na Austrália. Eu construí 2 estações ID-568 e ID-724. O único problema pode ser o idioma, mas eu usei o google translate. Wellcom para a nossa comunidade. 73 vk2byf

Dear ham fellow Bob, greeting from Brazil!

Quite good to receive a feedback from the other side of the world. Your country, Australia, is one o within my top-list when it comes to natural history documentaries.

I’m PY7KB, and since we both use, please let me send you an email, with some more information in regards to this topic.

73, and thank you!