Falcon Heavy Launch 2019-06-25 03:30 UTC

Being late to the ID party for this launch I give only PSAT-2 a try.

Analyzed observations (838575, 838563), 838584, 838585, 838588, 845205 with the new waterfall tabulation helper and STRF.


id desig center freq / MHz rms / kHz
44348 2019-036K 435.347 8.10
44354 2019-036R 435.358 1.76
44355 2019-036S 435.359 2.07
44357 2019-036U 435.364 7.43

So, currently 44354 matches the SSTV observations from PSAT-2 best (followed by 44355).
Note that all fits show rather large residues for my taste (but I don’t have much experience with this manual tabulation method yet, so this might be expected / I didn’t do any error propagation).

I’ve repeated the analysis, this time using five AFSK1k2 observations since this transmitter drifts less compared to the SSTV one (thanks @vk5qi and @fredy for pointing this out to me!). With 0.354 / 0.440 kHz for 44354/44355 the resulting residues are indeed smaller.