Error regarding autoscheduler configuration in the satnogs-client docker image

My stations are using the Satnogs Client docker image. I did an update yesterday, and now the autoscheduler reports:

tation-771-auto-scheduler-1  | ERROR: No configuration file found at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/auto_scheduler/
station-771-auto-scheduler-1  | Run the following command to generate it: 
station-771-auto-scheduler-1  |

The values that this script would collect are already present in the station.env file so something seems not OK here. I would expect the scheduler would have access to the station.env file and no need to run anyscript inside the container would be needed. Is that correct?

Your assumptions are correct, this is a bug I introduced in auto-scheduler version 0.3 (4 days ago). We already realized it and the flawed check was removed (in fact I tried a different implementation of this check, but it was also broken).

I just tagged version 0.3.1 where this is fixed, Changelog.

Thanks for reaching out! Please let us know if the auto-scheduler is working again for you.

have done docker compose pull to fetch the updates. Auto-scheduling is now working. On the other hand, the loggings should be improved to properly display the data. I put the log messages which do not get properly resolved:

station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | 8 passes selected out of 113, 2410 s out of 3440 s at 70.063% efficiency
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |   GS | Sch | NORAD | Start time          | End time            | Duration | AzR El AzS | Priority | Transmitter UUID       | Mode        | Freq   | Satellite name
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |                                                                                                                                          | misuse | 
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |  812 | N   | 43156 | 2023-11-08T19:56:48 | 2023-11-08T20:02:25 |  0:05:36 | 174 72 342 | 0.320000 | 889PvsKmwVnkyy5gvvw5pi | BPSK        | N      | ZHOU ENLAI
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |  812 | N   | 51063 | 2023-11-08T20:06:56 | 2023-11-08T20:10:55 |  0:03:58 | 112 24  22 | 0.106667 | E6XSGFTKr38CwKdub2MMgc | BPSK        | N      | Tevel-4
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |  812 | N   | 52950 | 2023-11-08T20:10:56 | 2023-11-08T20:14:42 |  0:03:45 | 248 32 131 | 0.284444 | aEHQh6HNqcjWWWdgqYA7aM | GFSK        | N      | CTIM
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |  812 | N   | 55098 | 2023-11-08T20:21:43 | 2023-11-08T20:27:48 |  0:06:05 | 164 87 348 | 0.783000 | DHeesYoebTduoSzp2P48Wr | GFSK        | N      | BDSAT-2
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |  812 | N   | 46276 | 2023-11-08T20:30:50 | 2023-11-08T20:36:32 |  0:05:41 | 149 56 358 | 0.460444 | Qw2TVGZwgGffwVK5af7ukU | FSK         | N      | UPMSat 2
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |  812 | N   | 51085 | 2023-11-08T20:37:49 | 2023-11-08T20:43:49 |  0:06:00 | 165 89 347 | 0.860333 | 7RKVacYwn9iHxWwDpqKhQs | MSK         | N      | VZLUSAT-2
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |  812 | N   | 99172 | 2023-11-08T20:45:06 | 2023-11-08T20:48:55 |  0:03:49 | 224 47  80 | 0.010444 | WpvkWNCxiHtYuEj98CLqtf | GFSK        | N      | NEUDOSE
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  |  812 | N   | 39469 | 2023-11-08T20:48:55 | 2023-11-08T20:54:08 |  0:05:12 | 107 53 319 | 0.412222 | da9uCaUD8QmVECEeSp9iee | FSK         | N      | MCUBED-2
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Scheduling all unscheduled passes listed above.
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Failed to batch-schedule observations.
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Server response: {'non_field_errors': ['Observations of station 812 overlap']}
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Fall-back to single-pass scheduling...
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Scheduled pass at {observation['start']:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}!
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Scheduled pass at {observation['start']:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}!
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Scheduled pass at {observation['start']:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}!
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Scheduled pass at {observation['start']:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}!
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Scheduled pass at {observation['start']:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}!
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Scheduled pass at {observation['start']:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}!
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Scheduled pass at {observation['start']:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}!
station-812-auto-scheduler-1  | Failed to schedule pass at 2023-11-08T20:48:55.
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