Greetings! I’ve found previous threads around these multi-satellite deployments to be particularly helpful since there can be so much info coming from so many sources in a short period of time. The bottom line is that it’s really nice to get some help selecting WHICH satellites to focus your attention on.
While I don’t believe there is a launch date yet, it sounds like ELaNa-41 might be going up sooner than later. I’ve started trying to gather info on the satellites involved and at least a few looking interesting already.
I’ve emailed the Project Lead for QubeSat asking if they are in fact using OpenLST and if any finalized decoder is available yet. So, I’ll report if there’s any reply.
Due to uncertain launch schedule, TLE will be added ~30min before launch, this is the time that satellites will be available on SatNOGS Network for scheduling.
New change on launch time, now it is 19:10 UTC. We have (people in matrix channel) decided to wait for launch before generating new TLE sets and scheduling.
For QubeSat, from the AMSAT coordination “2-FSK UHF downlink at 5k5 bps”. Does anyone know if UZ7HO soundmodem can decode this? It seems a strange baudrate at first glance.
There is not one currently that I’m aware of, but in recent weeks a number of custom soundmodem variants have been created for new modulations. So, if the satellite proves successful then something might turn up.