I also aggree with @vk5qi with the second option,as it is better explained on how this antenna must be built and it is simpler to build. More importanlty, the author of the antenna posted specific condsiderations for its building in order to achive an optimal SWR. http://www.radioamatoripeligni.it/i6ibe/turnhard/turnhard.htm
Unfortunately, this explanation is in Italian, but at least, it shows graphically how it must be built
According to the NanoVNA it’s a little bit better on 400Mhz than on 435Mhz, but in my area there’s a lot of noise on these frequencies :< So 435-437 looks much better on waterfalls (it even managed to decode boot number from my KRAKsat, yay! https://network.satnogs.org/observations/3907042/)
I’m still waiting for the filter and LNA (now it’s without any of them) and I’ll probably make the station “normal” mode as soon as I get it (but it’s travelling from China, so )
I also plan to create a kind of tutorial “how to build it” with photos and schematics and post it on my blog, so I can let you know when it’s ready. Maybe someone will want to use it
All DIY versions is an I6IBE project scheme and working good in RHCP polarization
If someone need a kit of these turnstile can write me IZ5RZR@CATUREGLI.IT