Since moving from dev to production I noticed that there are not that many stations on the production network. So that pompted me to think a bit. Is it understood, and therefore part of a plan, to specifically target areas to bring stations from dev to production? It is a loaded question of course.
I was really surprised at how much effort is going into the development of the client and stuff we see on the various parts of the website. Surprised in a good way, by the way. Is there a similar thread looking at where best to place grond stations, how to develop the capability and the next evolution of the rotator for example?
Can a master plan be shared? I ask because I’m nosey
I do like the idea of a coordinated push for more production ground stations in specified geographical areas. I wonder if encouraging more talks, workshops and presentations on satnogs would help to increase ground stations? Also sharing slides and workshop materials to reuse them in talks etc.
As 2 UK based noggers I was thinking about aiming for the National Radio Centre as a start. Ideally to use the RSGB innovation arm to push for a rotator based station. I have a contact on the committee but not sure how friendly they are to these types of suggestions.
Failing that I’ll be taking something to either the Norbreck rally or National rally at Newark in 2018
Yes I agree try the RSGB, maybe from a STEM angle, schools can access the data etc? I wonder what contacts the creators of SATNOGs have got in the UK from their workshops etc?