Cirbe satellite is close to its re-entry which is expected in the next couple of days. I’m opening this thread to track our attempt to observing it until its last orbits.
Here is an updated TLE set based on the network observations and the latest TLE set by
1 56188U 24275.10000000 .00000000 00000-0 20783-2 0 04
2 56188 97.3278 180.1739 0010669 165.1930 176.1775 16.11583637 07
Fixing accuracy of the previous TLE set:
1 56188U 24275.10000000 .00000000 00000-0 22433-2 0 08
2 56188 97.3278 180.1638 0014165 165.1930 176.1313 16.11908328 06
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One more update:
1 56188U 24275.70000000 .00000000 00000-0 20783-2 0 00
2 56188 97.3278 180.6480 0001165 245.9968 336.9269 16.14239340 00
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cirbe_275_v5.dat (3.4 KB)
two packets received from CIRBE passing over the UK last night
One more TLE update:
1 56188U 24276.10000000 .00000000 00000-0 22645-2 0 04
2 56188 97.3278 181.2453 0010639 300.0011 86.5597 16.16008480 08
From the latest observations:
1 56188U 24276.40000000 .00000000 00000-0 22565-2 0 08
2 56188 97.3278 181.4942 0010165 122.3244 209.2551 16.18077405 09
cirbe_276_v5.dat (3.9 KB)
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One more update based on the latest observations, it is not very accurate but better than the previous TLE set:
1 56188U 24277.08000000 .00000000 00000-0 22565-2 0 03
2 56188 97.3278 182.0019 0011164 119.3157 218.9146 16.25582410 02
cirbe_277_v1.dat (3.5 KB)
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Again not a very good accuracy on this TLE as it needs some tuning with some more observations, however gives better results:
1 56188U 24277.50000000 .00000000 00000-0 22565-2 0 00
2 56188 97.3278 182.4419 0011945 113.7263 166.0087 16.33406471 01
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One more update a little more accurate as I’ve changed the B* parameter too:
1 56188U 24277.60000000 .00000000 00000-0 86263-3 0 07
2 56188 97.3278 182.4194 0004952 111.8324 34.2559 16.31613778 06
Continuing with one more TLE set with some corrections:
1 56188U 24277.70000000 .00000000 00000-0 86061-3 0 04
2 56188 97.3278 182.8245 0005588 103.8154 269.0827 16.32404004 02
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cirbe_277_v9.dat (6.3 KB)
Still in orbit but not much time left:
1 56188U 24278.10000000 .00000000 00000-0 98145-3 0 05
2 56188 97.3278 182.5375 0005588 101.7130 105.5014 16.44748312 02
cirbe_278_v1.dat (1.8 KB)
sites.txt (9.3 KB)
PS There is an updated TLE in but it is already deprecated.
Thank you @fredy !
Probably one of the last TLE updates:
1 56188U 24278.17000000 .00000000 00000-0 13616-2 0 01
2 56188 97.3278 182.9703 0004930 98.0938 163.5169 16.52716910 08
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cirbe_278_v5.dat (2.7 KB)
This is probably the last TLE including the latest pass over US fixing the previous TLE which was not so accurate:
1 56188U 24278.17000000 .00000000 00000-0 97198-3 0 09
2 56188 97.3278 183.0309 0004554 98.0938 162.9939 16.50293300 03
cirbe_278_v9.dat (3.0 KB)
sites.txt (9.3 KB)
It looks like that CIRBE has re-entered.
Last reception is either at 2024-10-04 06:00 or 2024-10-04 05:09 depending if this observation is Cute satellite or Cirbe, as both of them were above the station at that time.
Congratulations @LASP_SmallSatOps team for this successful mission!
Checking with ikhnos TLE sets, it looks like that the signal in observation is CUTE, I’m 90% sure. Unfortunately the signal power and the drifted frequency don’t allow us to demodulate it. Anyway I’ve marked it as bad for now, except if we find other evidence that proves the opposite.
@fredy Thank you and the SatNOGS team for all your help! We did not see any beacons from CIRBE over Colorado just a bit ago and agree it has most likely re-entered.
Well done!
Plot heavily inspired by Celestrak.
PS: This could very well become a page in SatNOGS DB, “Reentry analysis” or “Orbit History (reentry mode)”.
It would be also interesting if we can compare our TLE vs the ones for the last 3 days.