Can't schedule multiple observations

Hi all,

I was offline for 2 weeks because I didn’t have time to figure out what’s going on with my station after the latest update. I’ve turned my station back up and I’m trying to schedule the observations however the green schedule button is not functioning. I also noticed that I can’t seem to schedule to other stations anymore or that I can’t view them from the stations drop down.

Interestingly, I can schedule from my station’s page via the Calculate Future Passes button.

Thanks in advance!

Screenshot 2020-05-26 at 23.50.59

Your station is in testing mode, this means that you can only schedule on your own stations as it is described in permissions matrix.

If your station performs well, receives signal and can decode satellites the you can go to station settings and remove the testing flag. As in permissions matrix, this will allow others to schedule on your own station and you to schedule to other online stations.

My station has been out of testing mode for so long that I forgot that. Thanks @fredy!

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