BUGSAT-1 decoded!

Note: this observation is on -dev, as my testings have been spamming the prod instance too much.

Good news, I am starting to get things tweaked in my station! I set a few observations up before I left the house today and came home to hear strong packets from BUGSAT-1 (TITA):


They are brief FSK9600 bursts so if you want to hear one without listening to the whole thing skip to around 6:05

But wait, it gets better! I was able to decode with both multimon-ng and DK3WN’s tools (AGWPE->AGW OnlineKiss). Solid capture!

cshields@jessie-rpi ~ % sox -t ogg ~/satnogs_1040_2016-03-06T17-12-54.ogg -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw - | ./git/multimon-ng/build/multimon-ng -q -a FSK9600 - FSK9600: fm LU7AA-0 to CQ-0 UIv pid=F0 .........V.cN.....(......i....{3.'....0......H.T.i..................-..........^...........................V..... FSK9600: fm LU7AA-0 to CQ-0 UIv pid=F0 .........V.c].....(......i....{3.'....0......G...h...............P.&$#.........S...........................V..... FSK9600: fm LU7AA-0 to CQ-0 UIv pid=F0 .........V.cl.....(......i....{3.'....0w.....F.w.h...............!.k.....j.....[..............j............V..... FSK9600: fm LU7AA-0 to CQ-0 UIv pid=F0 .........V.c......(......i....{3.'....0......F.S.h.............................U...........................V..... FSK9600: fm LU7AA-0 to CQ-0 UIv pid=F0 :EMAIL :tita@satellogic.com ..Upt: 19:31:27 ......Bat:12.50v ..Temp:23.4C ..Gyr:1.21d/s ..

Now, there were only 4 packets decoded through this but many more you can hear in the stream. For some reason I have a lot of static pops in the audio at that gain level, but turning the gain down to get rid of those also messes with demodulation. Something to work on…


That’s pretty neat @cshields way to go

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Yeah great job @cshields!!

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