Daniel,thanks. Following is a log of hamlib communication. There is a sequence “AZ EL” and once after AZ/EL there are values of angles with one decimal place. After 5 errors there is command SA SE to stop rotator, because easycomme did not receive some information from rotator (error -5). And my problem is that I am unable to find what this error means and actually also whether this error comes from hamlib (code.tools/man/8/rotctld, GitHub - Hamlib/Hamlib: Ham radio control library for rigs, rotators, tuners, and amplifiers).
<<<<< gpredict and rotcltd started >>>>>
rotctld, Hamlib 4.5.5 Apr 05 11:43:08Z 2023 SHA=6eecd3
Report bugs to hamlib-developer@lists.sourceforge.net
rot_init called
initrots4_easycomm called
rot_register (201)
rot_register (202)
rot_register (204)
set_conf: called
rot_open called
serial_open: COM7
serial_setup: tcgetattr
serial_setup: cfsetispeed=9600,0x000d
serial_setup: cfsetospeed=9600,0x000d
serial_setup: data_bits=8
serial_setup: parity=0
serial_setup: Handshake=None
serial_setup: tcsetattr TCSANOW
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
Opened rot model 202, ‘EasycommII’
Backend version: 20191206.0, Status: Stable
<<<<< here I press engage>>>>>
Connection opened from
rotctl(d): p ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
rot_get_position called
easycomm_rot_get_position called
easycomm_transaction called: AZ EL
rig_flush: called for serial device
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
write_block(): TX 7 bytes, method=2
0000 41 5a 20 45 4c 20 0a AZ EL .
read_string_generic called, rxmax=32 direct=1, expected_len=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.309 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
easycomm_transaction read_string failed with status -5
easycomm_rot_get_position got error: -5
rotctl_parse: NETROTCTL_RET -5
rotctl(d): p ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
rot_get_position called
easycomm_rot_get_position called
easycomm_transaction called: AZ EL
rig_flush: called for serial device
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
write_block(): TX 7 bytes, method=2
0000 41 5a 20 45 4c 20 0a AZ EL .
read_string_generic called, rxmax=32 direct=1, expected_len=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.309 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
easycomm_transaction read_string failed with status -5
easycomm_rot_get_position got error: -5
rotctl_parse: NETROTCTL_RET -5
rotctl(d): P ‘199,57’ ‘56,61’ ‘’ ‘’
rot_set_position called az=199.57 el=56.61
rot_set_position: south_zero=0
easycomm_rot_set_position called: 199.570007 56.610001
easycomm_transaction called: AZ199.6 EL56.6
rig_flush: called for serial device
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
write_block(): TX 15 bytes, method=2
0000 41 5a 31 39 39 2e 36 20 45 4c 35 36 2e 36 0a AZ199.6 EL56.6.
rotctl_parse: NETROTCTL_RET 0
rotctl(d): p ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
rot_get_position called
easycomm_rot_get_position called
easycomm_transaction called: AZ EL
rig_flush: called for serial device
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
write_block(): TX 7 bytes, method=2
0000 41 5a 20 45 4c 20 0a AZ EL .
read_string_generic called, rxmax=32 direct=1, expected_len=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.307 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
easycomm_transaction read_string failed with status -5
easycomm_rot_get_position got error: -5
rotctl_parse: NETROTCTL_RET -5
rotctl(d): p ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
rot_get_position called
easycomm_rot_get_position called
easycomm_transaction called: AZ EL
rig_flush: called for serial device
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
write_block(): TX 7 bytes, method=2
0000 41 5a 20 45 4c 20 0a AZ EL .
read_string_generic called, rxmax=32 direct=1, expected_len=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.308 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
easycomm_transaction read_string failed with status -5
easycomm_rot_get_position got error: -5
rotctl_parse: NETROTCTL_RET -5
rotctl(d): p ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
rot_get_position called
easycomm_rot_get_position called
easycomm_transaction called: AZ EL
rig_flush: called for serial device
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
write_block(): TX 7 bytes, method=2
0000 41 5a 20 45 4c 20 0a AZ EL .
read_string_generic called, rxmax=32 direct=1, expected_len=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.348 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
easycomm_transaction read_string failed with status -5
easycomm_rot_get_position got error: -5
rotctl_parse: NETROTCTL_RET -5
rotctl(d): p ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
rot_get_position called
easycomm_rot_get_position called
easycomm_transaction called: AZ EL
rig_flush: called for serial device
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
write_block(): TX 7 bytes, method=2
0000 41 5a 20 45 4c 20 0a AZ EL .
read_string_generic called, rxmax=32 direct=1, expected_len=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 0.373 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
easycomm_transaction read_string failed with status -5
easycomm_rot_get_position got error: -5
rotctl_parse: NETROTCTL_RET -5
rotctl(d): S ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
rot_stop called
easycomm_rot_stop called
easycomm_transaction called: SA SE
rig_flush: called for serial device
read_string_generic called, rxmax=4095 direct=1, expected_len=1
write_block(): TX 7 bytes, method=2
0000 53 41 20 53 45 20 0a SA SE .
rotctl_parse: NETROTCTL_RET 0
Connection closed from