Arduino cnc gredict disconnects

Hi there
Can some one explain how gpredict gets the responce angle from hamlib and arduino as the arduino cnc project dose not have any encoder

It uses a homing routine to calibrate the zero point, then keeps track of how far it has moved since.

Thanks for replying so fast
Gpredict keeps showing error when engage is pressed and from what i have read i understand that gpredict requires a reply from either arduino or hamlib. Not sure if this is true would appreciate your thoughts.
Many thanks
Peter (G4GRK)

Testing the complete chain without knowing what link fails… hamlib is using a clear text protocol, it can be tested with either rotctl -m 2 (? for help) or for example netcat: echo "+p" | nc -w 1 localhost 4533
A working setup will respond with something like:

Azimuth: 179.00
Elevation: 90.00

There’s a bunch of similar threads on the subject and testing and verifying each link in the chain is helpful.

Hi Daniel

Thanks once again for you reply

My project performs the homing routine with no problems

I can control the az and el via rotctl with no problems.

The problem is when I use rotctld command gpredict shows ERROR on the read sceen

when I press engage.

I can only assume that gpredict needs a reponse from either Gpredict or Arduino .

Many thanks


Do you use rotctld and then rotctl to connect to that ?
You can increase the loglevel to extremely spammy on rotctld with -vvvvv and find any errors there.
Does gpredict have any detailed message in ~/.config/Gpredict/logs ?

It might be a timing issue, where gpredict just spams too fast and arduino or hamlib has a timeout and gpredict disconnects. Try setting 1000ms and 5deg in the rotator control settings.

Hi daniel
I have carried out a few more checks
Arduino USB connected and seems fine
Used TIPVIEW and rotctd shows connection established
When gpredict engaged it shows ERROR after a few seconds
Not sure what response gpredict expect and dose it come from hamlib or arduino

thanks again for your help


hamlib is an abstraction layer between different rotators and provides a common protocol for them all.
you need to check the logs, maybe need to increase their verbosity to find this error.
gpredict does not talk directly to the arduino, but through hamlib.

Hi Daniel
thanks once again for your help
I understand the basic idea I am using Arduino +cnc shield.
From what I have read about gpredict is when using a rotator its gets a response from the encoder in the rotator.
My question is using SATNOG arduino+cnc shield where dose this response come from as there is no encoder in the project.
When I engage gpredict rotator it shows ERROR in read window which from the manual seems to sugest it not getting a reply.

many thanks


I have built these and do not have this problem, I know some have had issues with other hardware.

The whole encoder discussion is a red herring, it does not matter how the rotator keeps track of the position. Some have a potentiometer (absolute voltage), some have encoders (absolute or relative), and some just keeps track of how many pulses is sent to the motors.
What is certain is that the satnogs-rotator-firmware (stepper) reports the position from the pulses sent to the steppers, this is of no uncertainty.

The error you see is not a lack of features, it is somewhere in your setup and you need to find it in the logs or mistakes in the parameters in the programs.

Thank you so much for your help
I will go back to the beginning and start over…
Using the P command in rctotcl I can move the position of my set up so it seems Hamlin,Arduino,Chc board are working ok


Are you running this on one single computer ? What OS ?
What is the exact command line for rotctld ?
Screenshot of the gpredict rotator interface edit dialog.
Maybe a screenshot of the antenna control panel directly after engaging control.
rows containing rot from gpredict.log
What is TIPVIEW ? (5.3 MB) (3.8 MB) (2.7 MB) (1.9 MB)

Hi daniel
First I would thank you for you patients and help it is most appreciated.
I am running windows 10 on a stand alone pc,
It should have read TCPVIEW which allows you to view the port connection,
Just one question dose the arduino send a response to rotctld if so I think I might
have a problem with the arduino sketch (easycomm.h) not replying as rotctld times out,

many thanks once again


Have you tried connecting directly to the serial port and issuing easycomm commands directly ?
Related thread.


Make sure that no other program (rotctld or other) is using the serial port, windows does not allow more than one program to connect at a time.
I use PuTTY for most of my terminal stuff, serial, telnet, ssh etc.

Hi Daniel
Thank you again for your help.
After a few more hours of playing finaly found the problem
I downloaded a older version of Gpredict (ver. 1.4) all works fine.
I think there is some sort of conflict between the latest version and windows 10.

many thanks again


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