I’ve got my first attempt at a ground station working, but am thinking in investing in a bought VHF turnstile antenna rather than trying to build my own.
I can see two options, the Amsat UK one which I believe is based on the Winkler Crossed Dipole antenna or the Wimo TA-1 (at over twice the price).
Is it worth the extra money for the Wimo TA-1 that much better?
I currently have a home build horizontal V Dipole based on blog post by LNA4ALL.
The Wimo TA-1 has been used to great success by quite a few stations. I did see some improvement in reception towards the horizon when I switched from a stanislavpalo turnstile (essentially the same design as the winkler) to my TA-1.
Just note that the TA-1 is quite a bit heavier and longer than the winkler, so you may need a somewhat stronger mount for it.
I was also using an homebuilt v dipole and have upgraded it now to the Winkler on my station 788. So you can check it if you want to see a few example observations.
When did you switch over?
Did you see a jump in quality of observations?
I switched over last saturday, Had a few good weather sat observations and Foxsat’s. Noise decreased with the winkler antenna
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