Antenna for Sweden/Venezuela

I have a friend who wants to set up a SatNOGS station in Venezuela. He has no previous experience with SatNOGS, so the setup will be relatively simple. I will give him instructions. The only hardware missing is the antenna, which should be installed statically and should not cost a fortune (e.g. turnstile). Slight preference for UHF, but VHF would also be okay. The antenna should be delivered before June 28th in Sweden, from where my friend will fly to Venezuela. Does anyone have a good tip on where he could order which antenna so that it arrives in time?

Thanks a lot!
Best, Christian

Hello Christian,
check with Limmared Radio what they have in stock.
If not finding a turnstile I can recommend a short UHF yagi pointed to zenit.

/Lars SM0TGU

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