Im trying to install the satnogs client in Ubuntu 16.04
I have ansibile version 2.7.8.
After enabling ssh, run the ansible-playbook command:
~/satnogs-client-ansible$ ansible-playbook -i production/inventory -K site.yml
Then I received an error with the following text:
TASK [common : Check distribution] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [satnogs]: FAILED! => {
_ “assertion”: “ansible_distribution == distribution and ansible_distribution_release == distribution_release”, _
_ “changed”: false, _
_ “evaluated_to”: false, _
_ “msg”: “This role requires Debian stretch.”_
to retry, use: --limit @/home/seteclab/satnogs-client-ansible/site.retry
I really would like, if anyone can tell me what I’m doing wrong