About Telecommand frame (TC frame) And COP-1 In OSDLP

Hi, Libre space team,

I am tulasi,
We are using the osdlp library in our project. I have question on regarding the telecommand frame by using the osdlp library functions. I am not understanding the flow of how It’s transmitting and receiving the TC frame. How COP-1 will work here. If we are selecting Type AD or BC or which is used for retransmission when payload doesn’t receive transmitted data. How to handle this state and what type of acknowledgement given by the payload and how to test this complete cycle of data transmission. If there are any examples kindly share or any steps we need to take-care. Is there any way that COP can be handled automatically with in the library or we need to write.

Please help me to resolve,

Best regards,

@Sleepwalker Can you please help us to resolve this

Hello, Libre Space team,

While implementing the osdlp library I am getting the error in src/osdlp_tc.c in above if condition. Here I didn’t understand what is the osdlp_tc_tx_queue_full() function will do and what is the functioning of the queue. I observed there is no implementation for this function can we implement our own code based on our requirement for this function. How can I proceed further I am not understanding.
Can anyone please help me to resolve this error it will be a lot for me to move forward.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Hi @tulasi .

There is a project that has already integrated the osdlp library and you could use that as a reference, here: librespacefoundation / Qubik / COMMS Software · GitLab .

When you go through the code you will se that indeed, the functions related to the queue structure needed by the library need to be implemented by you. You could also use the implementation of the qubik software if you don’t have any particular requirements in your system.

Everything related to the protocol is included in the configuration files of the transmitting entity. The transmitting entity we used is the osdlp-operator: librespacefoundation / osdlp-operator · GitLab.

Note that this version of osdlp library will soon become obsolete as a new version is on the way.

with regards,

Thank-you for your help I will go through it.