98847 Qube - TM decoder link?

Is there a link to software to decode the TM from this satellite? Thanks!


No, there isn’t.
But QUBE team have their SatNOGS decoder on merge request.

If the SatNOGS community, station owners and LSF decides to put it into the database, everyone is able to build a dashboard.

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Out of curiosity, since I don’t have SatNOGS yet, which deframer uses QUBE, AX.25 deframer, GOMspace AX100 deframer, CCSDS deframers or other type?



Hi ed190,

QUBE uses AX.25 with one little difference.

The sender callsign, DP2QU, has only 5 digits. So according to AX.25 protocol it has to be filled up to 6 digits using 0x40. Instead, QUBE uses 0x00 which leads to the following message in Direwolf

Station address “DP2QU” contains nul character. AX.25 protocol requires trailing ASCII spaces when less than 6 characters.

and to

NON-AX25 frame Len=157

in UZ7HO’s HighSpeed SoundModem.


Hi Daniel,

thank you for the information!



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