My pretty modest Satnogs system just hit 20K observations this past week, which I thought was a nice milestone. I originally tried Satnogs to see what was above me, and learned a lot along the way about satellites, orbital paths, and the longevity of some of the things circling our planet (some from the 70’s!). I’ve done a lot of tweaking, and although I have fixed antennas, I’m often surprised at what I receive, and how low on the horizon.
I hope in that 20K I made some contribution to someone somewhere, and space science in general!
Indeed running a ground station is a great learning opportunity.
In my logs I can see I have used your station’s results for generating new TLE sets, for example in the recent transporter 11 launch or the now running cirbe re-entry.
I got this result today with my station here in Brazil !!!
I still plan to improve my antenna which currently has terrible reception, but that takes some time.
I was surprised by what the SatNOGS network is capable of doing and I am very grateful to the developers for creating the network as a whole!! They did a great job.