2024-08-29 09:20 UTC and 11:00 UTC: ISS Cubesat Deployment (JAXA) J-SSOD#31 - [CosmoGirl-Sat, SaganSat0, SAKURA, Wisseed Sat, Binar-2, -3, -4]

Sakura has a mistake on the first QSL cards issued. if you want an updated one you can request for a new QSL



Ups, didn’t know they would offer an update on already sent cards as I mentioned that “to SWL” is not correct in cases amateur radio callsigns follow.

I replaced the “How to upload CW beacons” explanation by a hopefully more understandable one.



I told them not to publish it because of countless errors.
Now they did it nevertheless and most of the displayed values are still wrong.
It might look cool, but it’s pretty useless.
Even if it were about the CW beacons as displayed, there is no information on how to upload it.

You may have a look on my version of the SAKURA Dashboard.


Hi Daniel
I’ve looked at both and I have to agree with you, I’m not sure how you are to enter data into it.

I’ve just seen this to

The graph of the other dashboard shows the activity of several digipeaters like ISS and SONATE-2, not only the one from SAKURA.

I send 2 demodulated FSK frames to SatNOGS DB but they are not visible on the dashboard!

It looks like AUTO GMSK for which I have no panels yet. Will set them up, but can assure you already, that there is no big information for us in it.
Your upload will then show up.


Sakura seems to have beacon and telemetry at the same time now


I’ve seen that before and today at 17:01:33 again, unfortunately recording at USB.

I tried to decode mine but have not been able to

As you can see at my image from the message before, the beacon went back to the “si” type.

Last time, when it sent this type, it was from 16th to 19th of September, it also sometimes sent GMSK after CW.
So perhaps we will be able to observe and record a GMSK beacon within the next days.

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My version of the SAKURA Dashboard now has sections for all beacon types.

SAKURA Dashboard Sections


I was right about the GMSK beacons.
Got one, an AUTO GMSK, at 12:52:22 UTC.

A pass earlier, I expected the digipeater according to the schedule, but was disappointed.

My assumption:
If SAKURA sends “si” beacons, it lost the correct time.
So, GMSK beacons, actually destined for Japan, will be sent over unexpected territories and for example the digipeater also cannot follow the published time schedule.


I saw the the same GMSK beacon at the same time approximately

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Thanks Daniel. Appreciate the update. Yesterday I was lucky enough to receive and decode a GSMK frame.



SAKURA is back to its regular beacon pattern.
That means, digipeater schedule should be valid again.

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