root@satnogs:/home/satnogs/satnogs-client-ansible# ansible-playbook -i production/inventory -K site.yml BECOME password: [WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details Executing playbook site.yml - satnogs-setups on hosts: satnogs-setups - Gathering Facts... [WARNING]: Platform linux on host satnogs is using the discovered Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change this. See for more information. Create needrestart directory for Raspbian... Configure needrestart for Raspbian... Install or remove satnogs-setup system dependencies... Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) satnogs failed | item: {u'name': u'python-apt'} | msg: MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) satnogs failed | item: {u'name': u'git'} | msg: MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) satnogs failed | item: {u'name': u'needrestart'} | msg: MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) satnogs failed | item: {u'name': u'virtualenv'} | msg: MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) satnogs failed | item: {u'name': u'python3-apt'} | msg: MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) satnogs failed | item: {u'name': u'python3-dialog'} | msg: MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) satnogs failed | item: {u'name': u'python3-yaml'} | msg: MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) satnogs failed | item: {u'name': u'python3-psutil'} | msg: MODULE FAILURE See stdout/stderr for the exact error satnogs failed - Play recap - satnogs : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 rescued=0 ignored=0