sudo satnogs-setup Software package settings - EXPERIMENTAL = False Apply (for exit) Executing playbook local.yml - localhost on hosts: localhost - Gathering Facts... Check Ansible version... Check distribution... Remove APT configuration disabling recommends... Update APT cache... Install required package for APT... Install repository keys... Remove old repository... Install repository... Install packages... Gather package facts... Disable swap file... localhost done Add ZRAM init script... localhost done Create needrestart directory for Raspbian... Configure needrestart for Raspbian... Remove deprecated satnogs-setup system dependencies... Install satnogs-setup system dependencies... Install Ansible repository keys... Install Ansible repository... Install Ansible package... Get system Python version... Get virtualenv Python version... Remove virtualenv of old Python version... Install PyPI dependencies... Install satnogs-config... Configure satnogs-setup... Create Ansible configuration directory... Set up inventory... Create host variables directory... Check if host variables file exists... Create host variables file... Create satnogs-setup share directory... Install satnogs-setup scripts... Download Libre Space Foundation OBS Repository Signing Key... Add configuration file for apt to allow releaseinfo changes... Remove configutation file for APT to allow releaseinfo changes... Add satnogs-client service user... localhost done Remove deprecated satnogs-client system dependencies... Install satnogs-client system dependencies... Get system Python 3 version... Get virtualenv Python version... Remove virtualenv of old Python version... Install PyPI dependencies... Retrying... (1 of 4) Retrying... (2 of 4) Retrying... (3 of 4) localhost failed | msg: stdout: Looking in indexes:, Collecting APScheduler==3.9.1 Using cached (61 kB) Collecting Pillow==9.2.0 Using cached (1.1 MB) Collecting certifi==2022.6.15 Using cached (160 kB) Collecting charset-normalizer==2.1.0 Using cached (39 kB) Collecting cycler==0.11.0 Using cached (6.4 kB) Collecting decorator==5.1.1 Using cached (10 kB) Collecting ephem==4.1.3 Using cached (1.7 MB) Collecting fonttools==4.34.4 Using cached (1.3 MB) Collecting h5py==3.7.0 Using cached (5.7 MB) Collecting idna==3.3 Using cached (64 kB) Collecting kiwisolver==1.4.4 Using cached (1.1 MB) Collecting matplotlib==3.5.2 Using cached (10.7 MB) Collecting numpy==1.23.1 Downloading (12.3 MB) :stderr: ERROR: THESE PACKAGES DO NOT MATCH THE HASHES FROM THE REQUIREMENTS FILE. If you have updated the package versions, please update the hashes. Otherwise, examine the package contents carefully; someone may have tampered with them. numpy==1.23.1 from Expected sha256 c445b798864ecce1dc932b1b530163300db9f8d57eb0c10f31f4661aa70bc15e Got e5c4589746cd27fa4074ddfeb8e7889c9ff50457703a9e299ad6479eafd4be3d Start ZRAM service (via handler)... Restart satnogs-client service (via handler)... - Play recap - localhost : ok=37 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=1 rescued=0 ignored=0