Soyuz-2.1a / Fregat Baikonur launch 2021-03-22T06:07 UTC

Here are all the entries for this launch in DB with their temporary NORAD IDs:

And here are the frequencies:

VHF inside radio amateur:
145.865 MHz 99734 NANOSATC-BR2

UHF outside radio amateur:
401.500 MHz 99721 CHALLENGEONE

UHF inside radio amateur:
435.310 MHz 99723 SIMBA
435.650 MHz 99725 CUBESX-HSE
435.950 MHz 99727 BEESAT-8
435.950 MHz 99728 BEESAT-7
435.950 MHz 99729 BEESAT-6
435.950 MHz 99730 BEESAT-5
436.330 MHz 99732 CANYVAL-C-1U
437.025 MHz 99722 GRBALPHA
437.050 MHz 99726 CUBESX-SIRIUS-HSE
437.130 MHz 99720 KSU-CUBESAT
437.265 MHz 99733 KMSL
437.500 MHz 99731 CANYVAL-C-2U
437.850 MHz 99724 ORBICRAFT-ZORKIY
437.950 MHz 99724 ORBICRAFT-ZORKIY

UHF inside radio amateur (UNISAT-7):
435.635 MHz 99739 BCCSAT-1
435.800 MHz 99735 STECCO
437.125 MHz 99737 DIY-1
437.200 MHz 99738 FEES
437.345 MHz 99736 SMOG-1
Timon (for launch 22.03.2021)
1 90023U 21001AX  21081.44134259 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  9992
2 90023  97.5981 345.6091 0019717 246.3776  81.1473 15.05402687    05
Pumbaa (for launch 22.03.2021)
1 90024U 21001AY  21081.44134259 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  9993
2 90024  97.5981 345.6091 0019717 246.3776  81.1473 15.05402687    06

Hello, All.

These TLEs are CANYVAL satellites from South Korea🇰🇷.

If you can help our satellites, please track them!

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@hrkim thanks for the TLE sets of CANYVAL

Please confirm that the entries are right, especially the transmitters in:

Scheduling will be done in the next minutes.

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Yonsei univ. got the information data from ISL.

as below

Timon (for launch 22.03.2021)
1 90023U 21001AX 21081.44134259 0.00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 9992
2 90023 97.5981 345.6091 0019717 246.3776 81.1473 15.05402687 05

Pumbaa (for launch 22.03.2021)
1 90024U 21001AY 21081.44134259 0.00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 9993
2 90024 97.5981 345.6091 0019717 246.3776 81.1473 15.05402687 06

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Total 1064 observations have been scheduled for all satellites for the first 24h except those in Unisat-7:

Satellite Observations
CubeSX-Sirius-HSE 90
Orbicraft-Zorkiy 100
GRBAlpha 89
CubeSX-HSE 87
KSU-Cubesat 89
ChallengeOne 57

To station owners, feel free to reschedule any observations if you want to observe something else in your stations.

To station owners please make sure you don’t schedule too far in the future, firstly for the known reason that TLE are not accurate, and secondly for this launch we expect 5 more satellites to be deployed and we need to let some timeslots for them too.

To satellite teams good luck!

Bellow are the TLE sets that we used for scheduling. Satellites without public TLE sets use ones of the other satellites:

1 99730U 21021A   21081.44018519  .00000000  00000-0  25748-3 0  9997
2 99730  97.5685 345.3250 0019866 246.6360  74.5045 15.05349436    04
1 99729U 21021B   21081.44018519  .00000000  00000-0  25748-3 0  9995
2 99729  97.5685 345.3250 0019866 246.6360  74.5045 15.05349436    02
1 99728U 21021C   21081.44018519  .00000000  00000-0  25748-3 0  9994
2 99728  97.5685 345.3250 0019866 246.6360  74.5045 15.05349436    01
1 99727U 21021D   21081.44018519  .00000000  00000-0  25748-3 0  9993
2 99727  97.5685 345.3250 0019866 246.6360  74.5045 15.05349436    00
1 99725U 21021E   21081.43439815  .00001366  00000-0  57340-4 0    09
2 99725  97.5800 345.0413 0017260 161.7000 128.0646 15.08643269    05
1 99726U 21021F   21081.43451389  .00001366  00000-0  57340-4 0    00
2 99726  97.5800 345.0413 0017320 162.6600 127.7234 15.08616927    09
1 99720U 21021G   21081.43555556  .00001702  00000-0  84401-4 0    07
2 99720  97.5700 345.0513 0017380 173.0300 122.9933 15.08037631    04
1 99724U 21021H   21081.43787037  .00001422  00000-0  59507-4 0    00
2 99724  97.5700 345.5213 0017660 189.5900 118.9532 15.07090652    00
1 90017U 21001AR  21081.43902778 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  9993
2 90017  97.5981 345.6068 0020096 246.9245  68.0617 15.05300826    07
1 70009U 21999A   21081.43548380  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    06
2 70009  97.5900 345.0513 0017380 173.0300 122.9932 15.08048476    03
1 99735U 21021J   21082.49886574  .00000000  00000-0  19880-4 0    06
2 99735  97.5724 346.5789 0021914 153.2188 143.0299 15.09602037    07
1 99739U 21021K   21081.53571058 -.00000058  00000-0  00000+0 0    05
2 99739 098.4012 347.1354 0004344 283.2593 155.6823 14.80364805    06
1 99737U 21021L   21082.49886574  .00000000  00000-0  19880-4 0    08
2 99737  97.5724 346.5789 0021914 153.2188 143.0299 15.09602037    09
1 99738U 14900A   21081.42629630  .00000000  00000-0  13597-3 0    05
2 99738  97.5718 345.3019 0008609  90.7909 155.1864 15.09515884    03
Timon (for launch 22.03.2021)
1 90023U 21001AX  21081.44134259 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  9992
2 90023  97.5981 345.6091 0019717 246.3776  81.1473 15.05402687    05
Pumbaa (for launch 22.03.2021)
1 90024U 21001AY  21081.44134259 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  9993
2 90024  97.5981 345.6091 0019717 246.3776  81.1473 15.05402687    06


As I heard from Korean cubesat operators, “Time of SC separation from the Nose Module” is about 16000 seconds.

Absolute separation time is “2021-03-22T10:34”

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Satellite Status
CubeSX-Sirius-HSE no reception
BEESAT-8 no reception but still investigating
CANYVAL-C 1U no reception
Orbicraft-Zorkiy has been received
BEESAT-7 no reception but still investigating
KMSL no reception
BEESAT-6 no reception but still investigating
CANYVAL-C 2U no reception
BEESAT-5 no reception but still investigating
GRBAlpha no reception
CubeSX-HSE has been received
KSU-Cubesat has been received
SIMBA has been received
ChallengeOne no reception
NANOSATC-BR2 no reception

We also have received from other observations outside SatNOGS Unisat-7 at 437.425 MHz which has been declined coordination from IARU.

Satellite Status
CubeSX-Sirius-HSE has been received
BEESAT-8 no reception
CANYVAL-C 1U no reception
Orbicraft-Zorkiy has been received
BEESAT-7 no reception
KMSL no reception
BEESAT-6 no reception
CANYVAL-C 2U no reception
BEESAT-5 no reception
GRBAlpha no reception
CubeSX-HSE has been received
KSU-Cubesat has been received
SIMBA has been received
ChallengeOne no reception
NANOSATC-BR2 no reception
Unisat-7 has been received

CubeSX-Sirius-HSE has been received.

@kapjp1 GRBALPHA has been received… the TLE weren’t accurate so I used the ones of Pumba(Canyval) that looks to fit better and will give better results.


BEESATs are also alive:

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NANOSATC-BR2 is also alive:

It has faint signal and it is 5KHz off but it is definitely there.

@hrkim we can confirm that KMSL is transmitting here is one of the good observations:

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Very sorry for telemetry upload in ERROR to object # 99726.

NO data was received from CubeSX-Sirius-HSE. I have re-uploaded decodes to the correct object # 99725.

-Scott, K4KDR

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Here’s another signal of NANOSATC-BR2:

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A quick update, spacetrack has published 7 TLE sets for this launch but only two fit the current satellites. More specificaly OBJECT F(47937) fits unisat-7 and we have used it in DB and Network for the satellites that are expected to be deployed today and OBJECT G(47938) that fits the signals from all the other satellites for now and we have added it into DB and Network.

Does anyone has info about the telemetry format of SIMBA?

Unfortunately there isn’t any info online, at least easy to find. Given that the satellite isn’t IARU coordinated, I don’t expect to find it. I guess the best way is to contact the team directly and ask for it.

@kapjp1 I can see that we have started gathering data frames in DB from GRBALPHA, could you link or upload here details on how we can decode those?

This will allow to create a kaitai struct for generating a decoder and also allow to create a dashboard in for GRBALPHA.

Almost 8h from the deployment of Unisat-7 satellites and none has been received. Most observations are low passes but I would expect we had at least some faint signals. Let’s keep watching!

No change from the rest of the satellites, except from ChallengeOne which may transmits to 401.575MHz instead of what we thought(401.500MHz). I’ve created a new transmitter and changed some of the scheduled observation to check that frequency and see if we can confirm that this is ChallengeOne. The new frequency comes from @pierros strf observation:

Please, find here the description of GRBAlpha message items (in section 4):

It seems that the recently fetched TLE (from Space-Track) is wrong for GRBAlpha. It is clearly seen on this very good quality observation:

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