Skype Talk about Building

Hello, Santos community!

I was always interested in building a satellite receiver. I think Satnog’s is the perfect project for me to start. I am currently a newbie, but I would like to build a v2 Satnogs Ground Station. Is there in any way I can contact any of you by Skype on how to build such a ground Station? My Name is Dr Absolute (not Dr. Absolute). Thank you!

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Easiest way to get in contact with SatNOGS people is through chat on the IRC channel. See


Hi @Piridox and welcome!

I’m not sure if you will find someone with skype, however as @cgbsat said you can find help in our communications channels in

I suggest you should start with no-rotator setup, which doesn’t need a lot of experience and then proceed with the rotator, maybe with a more recent version of it. You can check an example of a no-rotator setup at the satnogs wiki.

Hey @Piridox agree with above… come and dive onto the IRC … always someone around to answer a question or two.