Request to add CTIM to Satnogs DB

Nice work @jim ! According to the latest TLEs: CTIM, which studied total solar irradiance from the visible rainbow spectrum and beyond, has re-entered Earth’s atmosphere. The last frame received was somewhere over the rainbow in Hawaii around 2023-12-03 23:35 UTC, according to CTIM’s SatNOGS dashboard. The entire CTIM Goodbye Sea Shanty:

In the vast expanse of cosmic sea,
A CubeSat named CTIM sails free.
With timeworn tales from Earth to Sun,
Collecting irradiance.

Oh, CTIM, a sturdy mate,
A novel quest, don’t understate.
In the CubeSat fleet, you proudly stand,
A pint-sized hero soars.

Born from TIM’s lineage: strong and true,
With vertically aligned carbon nanotubes,
40 years of Sun’s irradiance
CTIM continued on.

Oh, CTIM, in the cosmic show,
A beacon of light, wherever you go.
A pirate’s cheer, a hearty hail,
For the CubeSat did not fail!

CSIM the sibling paved the way;
thermally stable, night and day.
CTIM followed on Launcher One
To oversee the Sun.

Oh, Soon may the satellite fall,
500 days you took our call;
One year at sea, a gallant quest,
Yet still he’ll dive too low.

As the de-orbit looms, a bittersweet night,
CTIM, you’ve fought the cosmic fight.
The TSI data you’ve helped to write,
A hero’s rest awaits.

Oh, CTIM, a good boy indeed,
For science and knowledge you took the lead.
In the tales of CubeSats, your legend is spun,
A pint-sized pirate, a celestial son.

At LASP’s ground station, your signals fade,
The SatNOGS folk, they give their bade,
Across the world, a fellowship true
Guiding CTIM down from the cosmic blue.