Observation 814143: LightSail-2 (44420)

Regarding Observation 814143

I ran one of the data files through my home-made decoder. I’m mostly sure that these values are all correct, but please don’t depend on them for anything critical. :wink:

Loading packet from file: data/data_814143_2019-07-10T14-12-54
Beacon count: 16870
Time: 1562767973 (Wed Jul 10 15:12:53 BST 2019)
Boot Time: 1562649863 (Tue Jul 09 06:24:23 BST 2019)

CPU current: 0.03466796875 [A]
CPU voltage: 4.90625 [V]
CPU power: 170.0897216796875 [mW]

3v3 Payload Temp: 31.5 [c]
3v3 Payload Voltage: 3.3125 [V]
3v3 Payload Current: 0.0234375 [A]
3v3 Payload Power: 77.63671875 [mW]

5v0 Payload Voltage: 5.0625 [V]
5v0 Payload Current: 0.03125 [A]
5v0 Payload Power: 158.203125 [mW]

RF Amp Temp: 31.5 [c]
RF Amp Voltage: 0.0 [V]
RF Amp Current: 0.0 [A]
RF Amp Power: 0.0 [mW]
RF Amp Temp: 27.0 [c]

Bus 3v3 Voltage: 3.3125 [V]
Bus 3v3 Current: 0.01953125 [A]
Bus 3v3 Power: 64.697265625 [mW]

Daughter B Temp: 32.0 [c]
Daughter B Voltage: 0.0 [V]
Daughter B Current: 0.0 [A]
Daughter B Power: 0.0 [mW]

----- Battery 0 -----
Battery 0 voltage: 3.8125 [V]
Battery 0 current: -0.0078125 [A]
Battery 0 power: -29.78515625 [mW]
Battery 0 temp: 4.5 [c]
Battery 0 Status: 0xA1 10100001 [bit flags]
     - Charging Active: no
     - Charging SW Enabled: no
     - Discharging Active: YES
     - Discharging SW Enabled: YES
     - Over Volt: YES
     - Under Volt: no
     - Charge Over Curr: no
     - Discharge Over Curr: no
----- Battery 1 -----
Battery 1 voltage: 3.84375 [V]
Battery 1 current: -0.0078125 [A]
Battery 1 power: -30.029296875 [mW]
Battery 1 temp: 4.5 [c]
Battery 1 Status: 0xA0 10100000 [bit flags]
     - Charging Active: no
     - Charging SW Enabled: no
     - Discharging Active: YES
     - Discharging SW Enabled: YES
     - Over Volt: no
     - Under Volt: no
     - Charge Over Curr: no
     - Discharge Over Curr: no
----- Battery 2 -----
Battery 2 voltage: 3.8125 [V]
Battery 2 current: -0.0078125 [A]
Battery 2 power: -29.78515625 [mW]
Battery 2 temp: 4.0 [c]
Battery 2 Status: 0xA1 10100001 [bit flags]
     - Charging Active: no
     - Charging SW Enabled: no
     - Discharging Active: YES
     - Discharging SW Enabled: YES
     - Over Volt: YES
     - Under Volt: no
     - Charge Over Curr: no
     - Discharge Over Curr: no
----- Battery 3 -----
Battery 3 voltage: 3.84375 [V]
Battery 3 current: -0.0078125 [A]
Battery 3 power: -30.029296875 [mW]
Battery 3 temp: 4.0 [c]
Battery 3 Status: 0xA1 10100001 [bit flags]
     - Charging Active: no
     - Charging SW Enabled: no
     - Discharging Active: YES
     - Discharging SW Enabled: YES
     - Over Volt: YES
     - Under Volt: no
     - Charge Over Curr: no
     - Discharge Over Curr: no
----- Battery 4 -----
Battery 4 voltage: 3.8125 [V]
Battery 4 current: 0.0 [A]
Battery 4 power: 0.0 [mW]
Battery 4 temp: 4.0 [c]
Battery 4 Status: 0xA1 10100001 [bit flags]
     - Charging Active: no
     - Charging SW Enabled: no
     - Discharging Active: YES
     - Discharging SW Enabled: YES
     - Over Volt: YES
     - Under Volt: no
     - Charge Over Curr: no
     - Discharge Over Curr: no
----- Battery 5 -----
Battery 5 voltage: 3.8125 [V]
Battery 5 current: -0.0078125 [A]
Battery 5 power: -29.78515625 [mW]
Battery 5 temp: 4.0 [c]
Battery 5 Status: 0xA0 10100000 [bit flags]
     - Charging Active: no
     - Charging SW Enabled: no
     - Discharging Active: YES
     - Discharging SW Enabled: YES
     - Over Volt: no
     - Under Volt: no
     - Charge Over Curr: no
     - Discharge Over Curr: no
----- Battery 6 -----
Battery 6 voltage: 3.8125 [V]
Battery 6 current: -0.0078125 [A]
Battery 6 power: -29.78515625 [mW]
Battery 6 temp: 4.5 [c]
Battery 6 Status: 0xA0 10100000 [bit flags]
     - Charging Active: no
     - Charging SW Enabled: no
     - Discharging Active: YES
     - Discharging SW Enabled: YES
     - Over Volt: no
     - Under Volt: no
     - Charge Over Curr: no
     - Discharge Over Curr: no
----- Battery 7 -----
Battery 7 voltage: 3.9375 [V]
Battery 7 current: -0.0078125 [A]
Battery 7 power: -30.76171875 [mW]
Battery 7 temp: 4.5 [c]
Battery 7 Status: 0xC4 11000100 [bit flags]
     - Charging Active: no
     - Charging SW Enabled: YES
     - Discharging Active: no
     - Discharging SW Enabled: YES
     - Over Volt: no
     - Under Volt: no
     - Charge Over Curr: YES
     - Discharge Over Curr: no
Battery Power Draw: -29 [mW]
User CPU Time: 159447 [jiffies]
Sys CPU Time: 962200 [jiffies]
Idle CPU Time: 10672414 [jiffies]
Processes: 13892
Memory Free: 71780 [kB]
Memory Cached: 34236 [kB]
Memory Buffered: 0 [kB]
/data free: 656632 [kB]
NAND Erasures: 1709
Beacon Count: 16870
RTC: 1562767973 (Wed Jul 10 15:12:53 BST 2019)
Boot Time: 1562649863 (Tue Jul 09 06:24:23 BST 2019)
RX Packets: 526
RX Bytes: 27730
TX Packets: 28822
TX Bytes: 10433865
ADCS Mode: Detumble - 0x0 - decimal 0
ADCS Flags: 0x13 - 10011 - decimal 19
  Filter Converged?: converged
  Solar Panels Deployed?: deployed
  Solar Sail Seployed?: stowed
  Eclipse?: illuminated
Wheel Speed: 0 [RPM]
nX_tmp: 30.0 [c]
nY_tmp: 29.0 [c]
nZ_tmp: 41.5 [c]
average n tmp: 33.5 [c]
pX_tmp: 30.0 [c]
pY_tmp: 32.5 [c]
pZ_tmp: -0.5 [c]
average p tmp: 20.666666666666668 [c]

This looks good!
Did you consider working on something like satnogs-decoders or a dashboard at https://dashboard.satnogs.org/ yet?

1 Like

Aha, now that’s brilliant and pretty much what I was hoping to build. :slight_smile: Can I customize an existing dashboard, or do I have to create my own?

As you wish!
Feel free to contact me so I can escalate your privileges once you have logged into Grafana.