Need help debugging my setup

Welcome @frank_schirpke !

This is a misleading message in the SatNOGS web service and should be ignored.
(@sfou: Can we hide the “Configuration” tab until this feature is finished, to avoid confusion?)
It is not related to the problem of your station, as @Acinonyx suggested already too.

Debugging: Current status

  • satnogs-client is fetching jobs and is uploading observation metadata successfully, e.g. most recently in 11000114.
  • no waterfall image is produced or uploaded, nor any audio file or telemetry frame

Debugging: Error Logs

You can see the most-recent log messages with this command:

sudo docker logs --since 10m --follow --timestamps satnogs_satnogs-client

( If you share log messages via this forum, enclosing them by a leading and trailing line with triple-backticks will help with formatting the text as “code block”).

for some context: This ansible&docker-based variant of the satnogs station software stack is new. It is tested and running on a few stations, but nevertheless it’s something new to learn. E.g. only yesterday I’ve installed a station using this stack successfully for the first time (details in my SatNOGS speedrun 2025-01 write-up).

Possible solution

Your configuration seems to have an escaping error in SATNOGS_SOAPY_RX_DEVICE. When entering the value via satnogs-setup, it should be driver=rtlsdr, without quotes. In 10939094, the current value is \"driver=rtlsdr\".

I hope this helps with bringing your station up!

If there are any other questions, feel free to ask here!


“kerel” / Fabian Schmidt