Max nr of observation rows on the dashboard


I’ve noticed on the dashboard that not all scheduled observations are shown.
It looks like the user dashboard only shows 10 rows of scheduled observations, while at the moment I have about 18 observations scheduled at the moment.
It does not show ‘page x of y’ or anything, just the last 10 scheduled observations.

Is this something that can be changed? Or is that hard coded?

Ruben - ON3RVH

You are probably referring to the user dashboard. Indeed there is no pagination there yet.

That said you can check everything on the observations page with the right filtering since it has way more options for you to choose.

In your case that would be this:

We should probably remove the observations list from the user dashboard and instead have a link to the observations page pre-filtered.


that would indeed also be a valid option.
Normally I check my scheduled observations through that page, but I was testing the auto-scheduler and went to my profile and saw the schedules there, but only part :slight_smile:
Just wanted to make sure this was not a bug but a feature :wink:

Thanks for the clarification @pierros !

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