Firefly ALPHA: Noise of Summer Launch (ELaNa 43) - 2024-07-04 04:04 UTC

I play the ogg file back using audacity (either save as a wav and load into FoxTelem or pipe through a virtual cable or loopback). In FoxTelem I treat it as an IQ File at 48k. It shows the spectrum mirrored around zero Hz because it is really an audio file. I set the Decode point to +12kHz and it decodes.

The Dot Product BPSK decoder (designed by KA9Q) works best and is the default in FoxTelem. It works better than the Costas loop decoder.

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Is it possible to do with gr-satellites ? I started a discussion over there. Wanting to be able to demodulate this live and automatically, no gui/windows/manual work.


I’ve been working on this for a couple of hours since the tip was posted (Thank You!) about feeding SatNogs audio to a BPSK demodulator as if it were an I/Q file, but no luck yet.

Of course I’ll speak up if I find the correct settings!


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To be specific, I’m talking about IQ data here, as this is what is coming out of the flowgraphs over udp, also what I use to experiment with demodulation.
The audio is a possible post processing route, but not what I am working on.

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@SA2KNG There is no reason this can’t work in gr-satellites. There is nothing special about the bpsk decoder. I tried many designs and Phil Karns worked best. He has a C reference implementation and I ported it to Java.

On the Gui/windows question. You can run foxtelem on Linux. I develop it on Ubuntu and it can run from the command line with switches for a specific decoder.


Ok, looks like I can stop trying to twist this into working w/ any of the existing gr-satellites deframers… Dani replied to the question posted in the gr-satellites repository and indicated that he’d have to look into a custom deframer for this sat.




It seems there is a great chance that CatSat is finally deployed!!!

For now we are using this TLE set for tracking it at 437.185 MHz (thx @PE0SAT):

1 99164U          24198.27847222  .00000000  00000-0  49625-3 0    09
2 99164  97.3214  52.1281 0021945 218.7436 152.7891 15.18790192    04

Any demodulated frames are more than welcome!

More updates and final confirmation will follow!


From #satnogs matrix channel, the power of the satellite is in critical state and it may tumbling a lot, this means that the satellite may not transmit all the time.

First observations of CatSat signals were around 2024-07-15 20:00 received by:

Given that we followed the rocket body of Firefly rocket for tracking and the slight deviation of the signal on the waterfall, there is a very rough estimation that the satellite was deployed recently (from a couple of hours to at most 2 days), however this is a rough estimation and need investigation for more accurate results.


what is the modulation type, could not find any information on their website

AX100 ASM+Golay at 2k4, 9k6, 38k4 according to @PE0SAT’s satyaml

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Just to add that currently the active is the 2k4 transmission.

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For all the Windows users, use the 1KUNS-PF modem from UZ7HO.

This modem is part of the other-versions zip file


An updated TLE set for CatSat based on latest observations in Network and the initial TLE set calculated by @PE0SAT:

1 99164U          24198.51307870  .00000000  00000-0 -49598-2 0    05
2 99164  97.3214  52.3271 0030009 217.6815 356.5707 15.19049090    00

catsat_198_v6.dat (2.6 KB)
sites.txt (7.1 KB)

The TLE above is not precise but accurate enough for good tracking of the satellite. More updates will follow.


No Signals heard during 13:43 UTC pass. Satellite was in Eclipse


No signals heard 15:15 UTC. CatSat was in eclipse.

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Make sure to use the TLE shared in this post.

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CatSat HEARD! MaxEl 5 deg, TLE Very Good!
Huge thanks @PE0SAT !


CatSat, Max El 49 deg
A little was not enough SNR :frowning:
TLE good!