Firefly ALPHA: Noise of Summer Launch (ELaNa 43) - 2024-07-04 04:04 UTC

Outstanding job from PE0SAT to get us such an accurate preliminary TLE minutes after the launch - thanks Jan!


Indeed we should definitely have received the satellites with such TLE.

I’ve assigned almost randomly the TLE sets from spacetrack, based on the deployment order. However I point out that this is far from identification, just a random choice. Also the fact that we miss one object also affects the identification process.

This is the random assignment:

Satellite Identifier Name Temporary NORAD ID Followed NORAD ID
ANJN-0857-0652-4935-2307 MESAT-1 99219 60204
WTDL-4873-1107-9862-4396 KUBESAT-1 98888 60205
IITE-3822-1649-0687-2055 R5-S2-2.0 98885 60206
EIOW-0233-5270-5407-2865 CATSAT 99164 60206
GDPS-1527-9538-4129-7581 R5-S4 98883 60207
NLMG-8530-4252-9412-4157 SERENITY 98886 60208
REUD-7904-3179-3406-5877 TECHEDSAT-11 98884 60209
WRQD-3611-7297-1682-8367 SOC-I 98887 60210

One of this NORAD objects may currently describe more than one satellites, thus the missing object. Another theory could be that one of the satellites wasn’t deployed. We’ll wait for more updates from space-track or firefly to find out what’s happening.

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And, those objects are now in Celestrak!


The cospar id (2024-126) used seems wrong, should be 2024-125 so things will possible change in the next couple of days.


Not only my work, it is a SatNOGS team effort.


Possible MESAT-1


Indeed, I received it also and it is currently following 60209

Best match

rms limit (kHz): .5
60209 0.024 kHz 435.800198 MHz
60210 0.206 kHz 435.800440 MHz
Identified 2 candidate(s), best fitting satellite is 60209.

We have also confirmation from several observations about MESAT-1 in Network.

As @PE0SAT figured out it looks like that 60209 OBJECT it is the best fit for now, so I’ve changed that in DB. However we need to have more observations and TLE be assigned before any identification.


None of the SatNogs observations w/ packets visible in the waterfall look strong enough to decode.

Vlad, your packet is the strongest I have seen. If it is not decoding, would it be possible to share the I/Q file?




Yes, sure. now I try decode it.


Better here, but it seems I ruined the file

If there is the rocket and 7 objects following it in a chain, the missing object is probably CatSat as there was never confirmation that the deployment hatch opened.



Thanks a million for sharing the recording. SNR was JUST below what I could decode, but we’ll get confirmation from someone soon - if not already.

Also got an I/Q from IK8XLD; with a lot of fine-tuning, there was evidence of a BPSK constellation but again, not QUITE enough to decode.

I’m sure a stronger signal will show up from someone soon.


Yes, I have tried to decode several of the recordings but all are too weak for now. It looks like we are only getting reception on Omni directional antennae so perhaps the TLEs are not accurate enough for a directional antenna?

Many thanks to everyone at Satnogs who helps make collection of this data possible!

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No signals of any type seen here on the MESAT-1 pass that just ended 0045utc down the U.S. East Coast. Max EL for me was only 28°; that’s not a lot this time of year.

Not dependent on TLE for the helical omni antenna; another SDR on the 70cm X-Quad was tracking Object-G (60209).

N6RFM had better elevation, so if there were any signals to be received on this pass, he will have the last word.

Will keep watching!

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Yes, no MESAT-1 signals here either. I watched the pass live on an omni and with a yagi to another receiver.

It is strange that we get packets received on omni directional antenna earlier in the day and then we don’t get any with high gain antenna. Maybe there is a power budget issue and it is only operating well in full sun???

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The same was observed in the 2 night passages here in Brazil…

I monitored Object-G (60209) with a directional antenna and nothing was heard

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Visible here

… so must have just been too weak for me at the elevation I had.

OR, was not transmitting until it got farther north & had more sun considering the time of day here when that pass occurred.


KO4MA got a WOD frame from MESAT1 !

I’ve heard it on last 2 passes, but not able to print (yet) :wink:

Mark N8MH