Here is the current status for this launch after latest updates:
Temporary NORAD ID | Satellite | NORAD ID to follow | Other NORAD IDs | Identified | Deployed | Last Update |
MESAT-1 | 60209 | - | YES | YES | Identified, here are the ikhnos results | |
CatSat | 60246 | - | YES | YES | Identified, here are the ikhnos results | |
98884 | TechEdSat-11 (TES-11) | 60205 | All (except identified) | NO | YES | Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60205, other possible All (except identified) |
98888 | KUbeSat1 | 60203 | All (except identified) | NO | YES | Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60203, other possible All (except identified) |
98886 | Serenity | 60206 | All (except identified) | NO | YES | Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60206, other possible All (except identified) |
98887 | SOC-i | 60204 | All (except identified) | NO | YES | Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60204, other possible All (except identified) |
98883 | R5-S4 | 60207 | All (except identified) | NO | YES | Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60207, other possible All (except identified) |
98885 | R5-S2-2.0 | 60208 | All (except identified) | NO | YES | Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60208, other possible All (except identified) |
PS Note that TLE for CatSat is 3 days old and it doesn’t describe accurately the satellite orbit but still good for tracking. The rest TLE sets are 2 days old and they may also be not fully accurate.