Firefly ALPHA: Noise of Summer Launch (ELaNa 43) - 2024-07-04 04:04 UTC

Here is the current status for this launch after latest updates:

Temporary NORAD ID Satellite NORAD ID to follow Other NORAD IDs Identified Deployed Last Update
MESAT-1 60209 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
CatSat 60246 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
98884 TechEdSat-11 (TES-11) 60205 All (except identified) NO YES Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60205, other possible All (except identified)
98888 KUbeSat1 60203 All (except identified) NO YES Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60203, other possible All (except identified)
98886 Serenity 60206 All (except identified) NO YES Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60206, other possible All (except identified)
98887 SOC-i 60204 All (except identified) NO YES Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60204, other possible All (except identified)
98883 R5-S4 60207 All (except identified) NO YES Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60207, other possible All (except identified)
98885 R5-S2-2.0 60208 All (except identified) NO YES Not Received, randomly assinged to follow 60208, other possible All (except identified)

PS Note that TLE for CatSat is 3 days old and it doesn’t describe accurately the satellite orbit but still good for tracking. The rest TLE sets are 2 days old and they may also be not fully accurate.