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I really do not see the relation between backquotes and the banner of gnuradio !?

May be you can try specifying full path to you binaries (example /bin/date /usr/bin/tail)?

Have you used the proper shebang (#!/bin/bash)?
You can also try #!/bin/sh, I have not seen command specific to bash.

Thank-you for ENABLE_IQ…

Do you think you can try changing in the file “observer/” the line
to, shell=True)

os.system is supposed to be deprecated.
I am not sure it can be the problem but call to systems
are supposed to be changed to now.
Worth a try.

If it does not work better, try with shell=False too.


now I have tried all suggestions, but no success, the problem is exactly the same.

Can you try the following please:
Start python and import osmosdr.
This outputs the line:

linux;GNU C++ version 6.2.0 20161010; Boost_106100; UHD_003.009.005-0-unknown

on my SatNOGS RasPi on stdout.

I don’t know how this message “tunnels” into my script.



I have the same as you have when importing osmosdr, but I really do not known
how it can filter to your script.

If you repeat
echo “Hello world”|tail -n1 >>test.log
twice, do you have twice the same result (only one trailing line?)

If not, you have your work-around.

Sorry, doesn’t work, for each command in the script, i am getting the “linux;GNU…”-thing.

Maybe because the user satnogs has no login-shell (only /bin/false),
STDOUT/IN/ERR are connected to the executed script.
Probably this could easily be solved, only need to know how… :slight_smile:

Sorry for you,

chsh satnogs
will do no harm then

Doesn’t work either.

FILE=`exec -c /bin/sh -c "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S.dat"`

does the trick.
Thank you for your support! :slight_smile: