BDSat-2 is coming down, currently at about 300 km.
The re-entry is predicted for February 13th.
On UHF over Europe they are downloading with all one’s might, but on VHF the digipeater works like a charm.
The beacon is currently transmitted every 15 seconds.
What’s interesting is that compared to the 1k2 digipeaters on ISS and SONATE-2, the 9k6 digis on VERONIKA, GRBBeta, CroCube and LASARSat are really used very rarely. The Same also applied to BDSat-2.
As for CroCube and LASARSat I’m still the only one being shown up on the dashboard since almost three month in orbit.
Why is that?
I would appreciate comments from people who use 1k2 satellites instead of or rather than 9k6 satellites.
I’ll have a guess, IC-9700 not capable of 9k6 ?
Maybe some more rigs that can be hard to make them work, not sure.
It is standard HAM deviation so should not be that hard.