43156 - ZHOU ENLAI recent activity

Recently there was an email in amsat mailing list from Nico PA0DLO which pointed that 43156 - Zhou Enlai satellite is active around 437.650MHz, which was 300KHz off from the announced frequency (437.350MHz).

We have created a new transmitter based on this report and scheduled a couple of observations. More reports of receiving Zhou Enlai were posted online for example one in DW3KN Blog and we are happy that we can confirm them!

You can check the successful passes here. In the first ones (at the bottom of the list) you will observe in waterfalls that transmitter is ~6KHz off from the center frequency. As this was consistent to several observations, we have created a new transmitter (and disabled the 437.650MHz one) at 437.644MHz and we’ll wait for the results.

Thanks to all the station’s owners and observers for their great work!

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Frequency seems to be good now in https://network.satnogs.org/observations/126498/

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